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Tranquil as a current and strong as the waves. Her mother's motto rang through her head while training her body. Her wound was now healed leaving nothing but a phantom pain within her side. Everyone was asleep leaving the young girl fighting her own demons. She wanted to scream and cry her nightmares had become like a fever dream. Y/n often questioned if it was real life. Her mother was out there..probably abducted by the Shredder. Moving swiftly throughout the dojo her heart started racing. Even though she was a tough kunoichi , she was a momma's girl. She needed her mom to fight off the monsters within the night.

"Mom please come back..I miss your light. You always fought off my demons.. I still need you mommy.." She thinks to herself landing on the training mat with a soft thud quickly waking up a sleeping rodent man.

Exhausted she was so exhausted those nightmares were so vivid. Like if someone transported her to another dimension were everyone was gone. Splinter found Y/n laying on the ground tears streaming down her face. The crimson soldier felt pathetic opening her eyes made her cringe.. She was expecting to find eyes full of pity but instead she found dark orbs sparkling with worry.

"Child it's ok to let it out. It's ok not be ok" the sensei sits next to her patting her head. "Now please tell me what has bothered your sleep"

She wanted to break, to break down and let it out. But Y/n was scared to be seen as a weak little girl. Just one time just one time...she would like to be held. The girl hugged him when he got up to get some tea. The japanese girl felt strong arms hug her back.

"I miss my mom..." one little sentence was enough for Splinters heart to ache.

Yes, she was strong. Y/n could be stronger than her sons but she was still a child that lost her mother. These emotions he understood because he lost his family, their only piece of happiness. All because of a mindless villain. The girl's grip faltered leaving him bewildered quickly noticing she passed out of exhaustion.

"My sons it would destroy me if you suffered because of me." The sensei picks her up to put her back at the couch she was currently using as her bed.

Third Person (pov)

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Third Person (pov)

"Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza. We all love milkshakes. So I combined them."

"Okay, that could not be less appetizing." Donnie stated looking at the abomination with disgust.

"I call it a P-shake." the freckled turtle commented.

"I stand corrected..."

Y/n entered the lair accidentally leaning against Raphael's shoulder making him tense up. She was clearly still half asleep and the red masked turtle noticed dark bags around her eyes.

"Hey, dummy are you ok?" He slightly shakes her grabbing her shoulders trying to wake her up.

"Yeah sure turtle boy you just woke me up haha" She yawns giggling while sitting on a chair near the counter.

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