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Chapter 04


Third Person (pov)

"A what know?"Raphael murmurs surprised.

"Donnie said that cool ninja bandit is a dudette" Michelangelo said matter of factly.

"I heard what he said but that doesn't change the fact that I didn't know!" The red bandana terrapin yelled at Mikey clearly upset.

"What is this racket?!" Splinter came out from his dojo along with April. Who was still trying to process her father's loss. Everyone became quiet while the wise rat examined his sons. Looking at Donatello he quickly became panicked. "Donatello who's blood is that?" he quickly grabbed his son's hands waiting for an answer.

"Master Splinter well it's a long story...well you see..em we battled Shredder and we were about to lose until the Crimson Soldier came to our rescue"his father stared at Donatello with a serious face.

"Well where is this young man? I want to see the gravity of this situation" Raphael sighs angrily while going to his room. Master Splinter notices the abrupt action and stares at the purple masked turtle. "Why is your brother distressed?"

"It's confusing Master Splinter but it seems that the crimson bandit is a girl. She was disguised for some reason and it seems that Raphael knew her but not the fact that she was female" Donatello answered truthfully while looking back at April. He became nervous and started blushing a little.

"Very intriguing...how is the wound doing? I need to see her if it's possible" Splinter said while Donatello starts stammering.

"You see...I uh was going to ask April something very important if that's possible." April looks at him with a soft gaze while walking straight to him. The other turtles went to their rooms walking slowly since they still had little wounds on their body.
Donatello mustered up the courage to ask April to clean Y/n and check for any more wounds. The red head while cleaning her took of the chest bandages hesitantly and indeed Donnie was right. The crimson soldier was hiding her gender beneath that crimson suit. She quickly put her pj's on the girl which the April left just in case at the lair. They didn't fit that much since she was taller than her by three inches. April was clearly fascinated by the kunoichi, looking younger than her she still decided to battle a monstrous brute. Laying down her h/c hair on the labs table she left her side praying for a miracle. Y/n seemed pretty battered up April didn't want to witness her downfall.

Entering the lab Donatello and Master Splinter looked at Y/n frail body. She were still breathing but taking deep breaths. The purple masked turtle quickly started to search for the I.V and Master Splinter looked at the wound. It looked very deep since it has stitches looking at his son proudly he sat near
Y/n. Donatello left to check his brothers wounds. Wondering how she learned the arts of ninjutsu and why'd the girl helped his sons. Master Splinter looked at her features he clearly sensed japanese descendance on the kunoichi. Staring at her remembering his own daughter Miwa he hesitated while touching her h/c locks.

Y/n had no idea where that warmth came from. But it remembered her of her mother. She clinged to the idea that maybe just maybe all the past months were just a nightmare and her mom was trying to wake her up. Opening up her eyelids really wasn't the best choice because she made a shocking discovery. It wasn't her mom generating that warmth it was someone entirely new to her. Trying to move away from the wise rat she immediately winced holding her abdomen. Master Splinter was used for that reaction but what he wasn't used to was what came out of her mouth.

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