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Chapter 06

★★★PANIC AT THE SEWERS★★★■□■□■□■□■■□■□■□■□■

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Third person (pov)

Over the pasts weeks Master Splinter was training the four turtles non-stop because he feared their demise. The crimson bandit was left alone most of the time only being visited by Donatello to treat her wound and Splinter to give her food.
After the gauntlet mission which Y/n couldn't take part of the rest of the turtles tried to talk to her but were busy training. Y/n was healing quite normally and couldn't wait to get out of the sewers to help safe her mother. Shredder truly was a pain in the butt to both skilled fighters. Leaning at the sofa biting her lip anxiously she planned to go to the dojo exercise her muscles.

"Hey dudette!" The orange masked terrapin yelled excitedly. "Master Splinter gave us some time to rest" He sits next to her on the sofa making her smile a little. Well her plans were futile right now because of a freckled turtle.

"Hey Mikey" she waves watching the four turtles enter the living room. It had been a couple of days of social interaction so it was kinda awkward to her. Leonardo got hold of the t.v control and quickly tuned the channel to a strange show that made him seemingly excited.

"The Panicons hit me with an anxiety ray! Ahh! Ohh! We're all gonna die! And I think I left the food replicator on! The ship might burn down!" a strange looking man yelled and Y/n stared at the show bewildered.

"Get it together, Captain! You're our leader, so act like one!" the television blared while Leo looked at it entranced.

"I'm sorry, Grundch. That was the anxiety ray talking. I've got it. I'll use the thermal charge." after that the channel turned into another and the blue masked turtle groaned annoyed. Mikey was no were to be seen confusing the teen girl laying on the sofa.

"What? Hey, what are you doing?" Leonardo asked upset.

"Oh, sorry. It was Spike's idea. He said Space Heroes is too stupid for him." Raphael smirks petting his turtle friend.
This causes Y/n to giggle a little, that surprises both of the turtles in the living room. Y/n notices them staring and feels uncomfortable.

"Geez guys I just find Raph's statement kinda cute. I mean Spike looks cute." She coughs embarrassed feeling emerald green eyes bore into her soul.

"I forgot you were here dummy" Raphael states noticing Leo look at her.

"Yeah me too. Hey you were watching the show with us. What do you think of it?" Leonardo asks curious on her input.

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