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Y/n decided to stay at the turtles place since she found out her apartment was overdue on rent. The girl packed all her belongings after having one last glance at what used to be her new home. The turtles waited outside with bags in their hands. Deciding on packing her mother's most precious belongings Y/n sighs heavily. The cold of the night made it more depressing. Climbing off the fire escape the group then jump from roof to roof top.

"So dudette what's your mother like? " Mikey decided to risk it and break the uncomfortable silence.

"Well Mikey...she is kind, smart, wise, lovable, and well kinda strict. As you know she is my sensei, she is always trying to teach me something new." She sits down drinking from her favorite water bottle. The turtles look at her she seemed lost in her own world.

"We will find her Y/n" Raphael said with a reassuring voice. "Your mom's a tough cookie. Just look at you, you're a cool kunoichi" those sentences surprised everyone except Y/n. She knew there was someone compassionate beneath that rough exterior.

"You are right Raph, thank you." She looks at the turtles with a fond smile."This time I am not alone, I have you guys. I am happy I met you." She stretches her arms looking at the sky. The five of them sit in silence enjoying their company.

"You know guys it's always been me and my mom against the world." She starts talking again. "I never really had any friends since I have been traveling the world with my mother. Gosh I sound so sappy but I have always felt so alone."

"Y/n you have us now dudette, right guys?" Baby blue orbs scan the turtles with a wide smile.

"Yeah dummy" Raph speaks crossing his arms with a tiny smirk.

"Of course you do Y/n" Donnie smiles showing his gapped teeth.

"They're right Y/n, we're a team now. You won't ever be alone anymore. " Leonardo stated with a smile of his own.

"Well enough of this sentimental stuff." Raphael said trying to act cool. "We gotta patrol the city after bringing Y/n's stuff to the lair"

"You're right raphie boy" the girl gets up from her resting place. A tiny vein mark appears above Raphs forehead.

"I have told you millions of times. Don't call me raphie boy or I'll beat that tiny head of yours!" He yells in a hushed tone.

"Not a chance turtle boy. I like calling you that" she giggles jumping from roof top to roof top again.

"Argh, I'm gonna get you back at the lair Crimson!" he runs after her.

"Is it me or ever since Y/n came into our lifes. Raph has turned a little mellow." Donnie questioned looking at his two remaining brothers.

"You are right even though he is still a hothead he seems a little off sometimes." The blue bandana wearing turtle spoke holding his chin.

"Could it be that Raphael was abducted by the Krang?!" Mikey exclaimed dramatically.

"Don't be silly Michelangelo." Leo rolls his eyes while patting his back. "It could be that Y/n is just what we needed" the three turtles run after them with their own thoughts in mind.


Y/n and April were walking side by side to the redhead's new apartment. After the gauntlet incident Kirby and her regained some sense of normality.

"Are you sure you don't want to come live with us Y/n?" the girl asked with a soft smile.

"Yeah, I just feel that living under the sewers is better for now. I mean I know I still have to go to school but being in the shadows is what I was trained for" Y/n explained while carrying the groceries April had bought.

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