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Chapter 03


Your (pov)

I said I wasn't going to follow them but my curiosity got the best of me. Besides they might catch someone's specific attention and by someone I mean the foot clan. Who wouldn't be perplexed by them they are humanoid talking turtles for crying out loud! When they finished eating at Mr. Murakamis I decided to use my stealth and stalk them. I was on top of a building jumping quietly when I noticed them opening a man cover leading to the sewers. Great just great they live down there god I hope it's worth it. When all the four turtles entered the sewer I tied my face mask more to try and keep the odor out of my nose. What could I expect from the sewers?, this was literally a crappy place to be at. They walked very fast even though they were turtles and I bet they would kick my ass by hearing this stereotype come from me. The red bandana turtle that goes by the name Raphael was pissed off because Leonardo, who seemed like the leader let the bad guys escape including me.

"I mean what if that bad excuse of a ninja named the crimson soldier was part of the foot clan?" Raphael stated crossing his arms.

"Then he would of just attacked us bro, duh." Mikey said matter of factly.

"It seems that they now the foot clan...I am glad I followed them" I think to myself while I watch Donnie, the one with the purple mask sigh entering an abandoned train entrance. "Cool they truly are fascinating I need to leave right now since I still need to get my mother's katana. Now know where the turtles live I might keep on eye on them from time to time. They know the foot clan and might be the key to bring them out of their lair" After watching them completly enter their lair I quickly but stealthily get out to the surface. Getting out of the sewers really made me feel happy since it smelled. Leaping through rooftops while breathing in the fresh air was soothing. I had to carry a weapon knowing too well that they won't hesitate and attack me because I'm a bandit. Running and jumping through rooftops I get to my apartment by sunrise. Drinking some milk straight out of the carton I quickly collapse on my mother's bed. Closing my eyes trying to sleep I drift straight into unconsciousness.

All I could see was my mother...her stunning smile that made me feel safe was now filled with pain. I felt helpless even in a dream I can't seem to reach her..she's disappearing. And the only thing she left behind was a 14 year novice kunoichi. I wanted to scream and run to where she could be. But all the clues I have lead to the foot clan. Waking up abruptly while screaming I sigh deeply noticing my tear stained face. Deciding to stay and skip school to practice some moves since I know this was my time to shine. Taking out my ninja costume I put on my gi which had my clans symbol the ancient red dragon. Being part of the Ryuuzaki clan really had it's perks. After an intense training session I decide to make myself some food and wait till it was night time.

"I'll find you mother no matter what it takes..." Slicing the air with my mother's katana I smile determined. "No one will stop me not even those humanoid turtles" I grit my teeth covering my body again and putting my ninja outfit while climbing the ladder that leads to my rooftop. Having my mom's katana near my waist on it's sheath made me feel powerful. Deciding to steal from the purple dragons because I needed more stuff to give to the homeless. Reaching their hideout I notice that Fong and his gang are not there. Quickly but cautious my steps never falter while I pick up some food and things to sell at the pawn shop for money. I put everything in my crimson red backpack leaving hurriedly.


She was stalking the turtles since they seemed like they had beef with the purple dragons and the foot clan. All four of them had different personalities that made her want to be around them all the time. Even though they never knew Y/n was stalking them she really felt the need to befriend the humanoid turtles. It was a very cold night and the moon shimmered intensely. Y/n was near the rooftop of the turtles hideout. When she saw Raphael leave by his own he seemed pissed off for some reason, full with curiosity the crimson red bandit followed him.

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