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Chapter 05


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Y/n layed at the couch while watching Michealangelo play. She was looking at him with pure fascination the crimson bandit didn't have that much time to be a kid herself. Always studying and training, the girl could only catch certain breaks. Her mother made her train and didn't give her any explanation. Y/n's clan was long gone she didn't have to carry any legacy. The old female even went and changed their last names when traveling through out the world. So why was her mother to keen on making her the perfect kunoichi? Doubts made her head spin when ever she thought about it. Michealangelo knew she was staring he was trying to impress her more. No one really cared about his top scores but now he had someone new by his side. And what really shell-shocked him was that Y/n didn't runaway because of their appearances. He knew that Raphael was the girl's friend but he had to share too.

"Hey dudette do you want to play with me?" the orange masked turtle said while giving her the greatest puppy dog eyes he could muster. Y/n cheeks turned slightly pink and she looked away.

"I would like to Michealangelo but I really don't know the basics" the h/c haired girl answered with shame written in her voice. Mikey raises his non-existent eyebrow confused. "What I mean is that I don't even know how to use a game controller" she starts fidgeting with her hands embarrassed.

"Oh my god, you got to be kidding me!" He looks at her awaiting her laughter but nothing came out. Mikey gets up making a big racket holding her shoulders gently. "I must teach you the ways of the famous video game ninja!" Y/n smiles excited nodding frantically.

"Old wise one please be my sensei in this hard quest!" Michaelangelo looks at her in shock and a big grin in his face. She tries to sit up with Mikey's help, then the turtle starts to teach her the basics of mario kart. Both laughing merrily they start to attack each other trying to reach the highest score.

"Woah, Y/n for someone who just started to play you really get the hang of it!" The freckled baby blue eyed terrapin says content.

"I try my best Michaelangelo!" She slightly pushes him playfully.

"Hey that's cheating! Also you can call me Mikey" he yells at her while she giggles. They spent almost a day playing any game that Michaelangelo could get his hands on. The rest of the turtles looked at her in amazement it took human's a lot of nerve to not be scared at their appearance. Well Raphael was quite surprised at first when he made a friend with the crimson soldier. The way that she didn't run away the first time they met really made him trust her. He was weary at first thinking the foot might have been involved with her even though she assured him that wasn't true. The red masked turtle had to be extra careful so sometimes he couldn't say any names like he did with April and called her red head. But then he grew quite attached to the crimson soldier not knowing some parts of his story. Looking at how she didn't look at him with some form of disgust or pity really made him feel some type of normality. She was quite peculiar too just how truly fascinating his friend was.

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