Peters secret family.

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They've graduated from midtown.

Here's a spideychelle chapter in honor of Toms birthday post for z. 😩 it was so cute "my Mj" AHH

You see, Peter had a secret family with Mj. He and Mj had been a couple throughout high school. Peter proposed to her a few months after graduating. They bought a house, and eventually has their 5 year old daughter Charlotte. But the catch about this is that peters family had no clue about him being married or having a child. Peter normally wore his ring on a necklace when he was around family. Peter would have loved to tell his family about them. All he wanted was to have his parents at his wedding. But he didn't know how his parents would have felt knowing his son got married at 19 and had a child a few years later. The team knows I randomly disappear for Periods of time, they know not to question it but they decided to follow me today.

"Hey guys, I'm going out." I yell so everyone can hear me.

"Alright, bye Pete." Tasha says.

"Bye" I say walking into the elevator.

"Okay so we going to follow him?" Clint says.

"Yep" everyone mummers.

They make their way into the elevator and see peter just about to walk out. They all spread out to make it less obvious. Peter knew they were following him. He could hear them planing it the week before with his hearing. He couldn't really care less. So he let them follow.

He reached his house and opened the door. But a pair of little arms wrapped around his legs. He picked up Charlotte and and kissed her face all over repeatedly.

"Hi Daddy!" Charlotte said excitedly

"Hey darling" Peter said.

"Where's your mother?"

"She's having a bath, she said that she was stressed and needed to relax a bit."

Hearing that I place Charlotte down and make my way to the bathroom. I can hear quiet sobs so I make my way in there.


"What are they saying? I don't have good hearing like y'all, literally." Clint said.

"If you shut up I can tell you. When he says something I'll repeat it." Steve said.

"Hi Daddy!"

"Hey darling"

"Where's your mother?"

"She's having a bath, she said that she was stressed and needed to relax a bit."

"That's it?" Pietro says.

"Do you guys not get what's happening?" Tasha said

A bunch of no's and nah's were heard.

"You idiots Peter has a child." Wanda said smacking her head.

"Oh" everyone said.

"Should we confront him?" Bucky asked.

Wait a few minutes, if Mj is stressed he's probably comforting her. Wait until Steve can hear the walk down the stairs or something.


(Back with Peter.)

"Oh sweetheart." Peter says.

He walked in seeing Mj in the bath, tears streaming down her face. Peter walks over to her a pushes her hair out of her face.

"What's wrong?" He said caressing her cheek

"I'm just so stressed, with you not being home sometimes, work, Charlotte, maintaining the house. It's just too much sometimes." She said still crying.

"I'm so sorry M, I'll stay here more I promise. And please, if you ever need me call me. I'll be happy to clean the house, or look after Char while you need to do work. I promise anything at all." I say.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"Cmon, let's get you to bed."

I help Mj out if the bath and wrap her into a towel. She sit on our bed half asleep.

"Stay awake for a little longer M, you need to get changed."

I give her clothes and she quickly gets changed. The moment she her head hit the pillow she was out. I sigh and get her makeup remover. I slowly start to wake off her makeup. She doesn't wear much but I know she shouldn't sleep with it on. I kiss her forehead and leave the room.

I walk downstairs to see Charlotte watching Peppa pig.

"Hey Char wanna play outside?"

"YES!" She screams.

I get her shoes in and we go play in the front yard. She wants to go on the tree swing. I push her on the swing while she keeps giggling. I can see the team hiding terrible behind a bunch of bushes. I show them that I know they're there by giving them a firm head nod and tell them to come over here.

"Heyyyy, peterrrr" Tony said stretching the endings out.


"So uh, whose this?" Nat says.

"This is my, daughter. Charlotte. Say hello Char." I say

"Hi." She says shyly waving.

"Whose the mother?" Wanda says.

"Hey char, can you go inside and watch some Peppa?" I suggest.

She nods and runs inside.

"It's Mj, but she's not the best right now."

"Why not?" Sam asks.

"She's really stressed. Just when I came out she was sobbing in the bathroom. So I made her go to bed and I took her makeup off because she fell asleep." I say.

"See, that's a good boyfriend right there." Wanda and Nat say in sync.

"Actually... husband." I say.

"Did you say husband!" Tony says.

"Yea. I married her when I was 19. Had char a few years later."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I was just scared. Anyways I'm going to go make dinner and then go to bed. Bye." I say.

"Bye Pete."


"Well that was unexpected." Tony said

"Yup." Clint whispered.


Words: 914

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