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Summary: peters class goes on a field trip to stark towers. Tony shows the class his new DNA invention to see if the class has any superpowers. But what happens when it's peters turn?

Needed info: the avengers don't know Spider-Man's identity, peters suit is the upgraded one from hoco.


Right now I'm in tony fucking Starks lab. Why? Well bc my teacher thought going on a field trip to stark towers would be a wonderful idea. Tony wanted to show the class his new invention that would tell you if you had any sort of superpowers. That's when the trip went to shit. Currently I'm sitting in the floor while everyone else lined up to see if they have super powers that they had no idea about. Flash is silently fuming as he doesn't have any powers. Everyone else is done and tony scans the room. "Friday, did everyone have a go?" Tony asks "No boss, Peter Parker didn't try your invention." "Peter? Would you like to have a try." Tony asks looking at him. I shake my head no. "I'm good Mr.Stark thank you." I say politely. "C'mon, what's the worst that could happen." Tony says yanking me off the floor and walking me over to the machine. I sigh and let Friday take a sample of my blood. "Mr Parker seems to have Enhanced senses including, sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing, durability, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes, healing factor, wall crawling, and sixth warning sense. His DNA also shows that he is half spider half human." Friday finished. Everyone is looking at peter in shock. "Well now I get why you didn't want to do it" Tony murmurs to himself. "Now you understand" peter said rolling his eyes.

"Well... I guess that because everyone signed NDA's that anything they found out in the tower stays in the towers so like if anyone tells anyone I will snap your neck." Peter said with a evil sweet smile. Everyone shuddered. "Friday open a window, any window." Okay mr Parker" the window opens and peter jumps out of it. Everyone runs to the window to see Spider-Man swinging away "smart kid" Tony murmurs. The rest of the class leaves the tower gob smacked. Even more gobsmacked when they see peter at the back of the bus drinking Starbucks and eating a sandwich from delmars. "Hey guys, also I was being serious I see anyone tell anything about what you saw and heard I will snap your neck." Peter repeated. Everyone silently sat down and drove back to school while hearing peter laugh every now and then.


Words: 442

Peter Parker one shots Where stories live. Discover now