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      Welcome to Engineering faculty of Kanapat University

     18 years old Forth Jaturpoom stood infront of his dream faculty. Its his dream to enter engineering facutly since middle school. Now finally his dream come to true.

       While he was in daze his seniors came to his class and ask everyone to assemble the auditorium after their class for sotus.

       Like any other freshers forth also excited at the same time feared about his senoirs. He knew about sotus. He just hope he will survive. Not long after his senoirs announced that he was selected as moon of their faculty.

       Forth felt happy at the same time worried. Because ... They warned him how important this competition for their faculty just like sotus. They also informed him if he failed to become compus moon he need to face senoirs wrath.

   Forth gulped before nodded his head.

Art Faculty Auditorium:

  Wow...this year we are really have more handsome and good looking moon and beautiful and cute stars.

      I am sure this year will be tough competition.

       Hello students...Welcome to Kanapat University art factulty. My name is Pong 3rd year from art faculty. I am the one incharge of this star and moon competition.

        Meet my juniors from  second year ping and korn.

        Swade nongs.

          Swadekrap p. Everyone greet ping and korn.

       Okay nong...They are your other co coordinator for this competition. Hope you guys follow our rules and regulations  till the competition end.

      Okay p.

        Now.. let me tell you about competition rules and what kind of activities you guys need to do nongs.

       First you guys need to prepare group dance. The instructor will be here in few sec. Second you need to show any kind of your talent on talent round and last one is quiz round. This round is all up to you.

        Okay...i will explain second and third round later. Because we have whole month to discuss about that. But before that i want you introduce yourself to us. Okay...let's start...

    One by one by start to introduce themself to seniors.

      Mike from art faculty

       Mowaan from art facutly.

      Everyone start to introduce themself one by one. Suddenly
When come to someone...

     Wow...you are handsome nong...

      Such a hot specimen.

       Senoirs start to praise when the came to handsome yet hot tall guy who looks at them in blank face.

     Enough guys...don't make him nervous.

    One of senoirs shushed his fellow members and asked him...

      What's your name nong...and which department you from.

        Swedekarp p.... I am ph...

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