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         It's been week since they went to Achara wedding shopping. Two days back she bought her wedding gown with nine suit. Beacuse her wedding is in 5 days.

     Actually... They decided do to simple church wedding with closed once and  booked garden type place for reception for everyone. They decided to invite colleague and other members on reception only.

        Lam is the one accompany Achara and nine for every thing. Because forth is involved with  important project. So he can't take leave more than a week. So lam replace forth for every wedding work. Actually lam really happy to do that. And also he is the one pick and drop tanet from his play school.

       Today is the last day for forth  for his work. He going to take leave from tommorrow. During his lunch ming came to him.



      Then both went to caferia. After got their lunch they both settled down on their table.

      So...p. Every thing ready for p'Achara marriage.

      Mm...yes ming. All thanks to lam. I don't know what we do if lam is not with us. He is the one took care of it every thing.

       Forth told him with proud smile. Its not escape from ming eyes. But he didn't say about anything for that reaction.

        Mm...that's good to hear p. How is tanet. I didn't meet him more than week. Is he asking about me or forget about me after P'LAM  arrival.

     Haha...he is good ming. Actually  tanet baby forget about everyone since tanet came. But he asked about you. Achara  and my parents also asked me about you.

    Mm...tell him i will meet him with his favourite chocolate. And tell p i will be her marriage.

     Sure...if you don't attend her marriage i am sure she will directly come to your house and beat you.

     Forth told him nor more like threaten him for his sister.

      Haha...p. You don't need to threaten me for her. I will surely attend her wedding okay. Now tell me when is bachelor party.

     Mmm...coming Saturday ming. The day before wedding.

     But...p. Is it good to party the day before wedding. I mean you guys surely tired.

      Ming told him with concern. It's true though. Because we knew how boys bachelor party is. They surely drink till passed out.

     Mm...we knew ming. But p'nine have important work till friday. So...yeah...

     Then okay p. But take care of him. After all he is the groom.

      Sure ming. Lam and i Takecare of him. Otherwise Achara will beat shit out off us.

       Forth told him with smile. Then both had their lunch.
   It's already Saturday...

   Lam who dressed for bachelor party came to forth room. No one is at home. Tanet went to out with his grandparents to check the avenue while Achara went to parlour. But forth and lam is stay at house. Because they are going to bachelor party. Lam already dressed and he came to forth to check whether he already ready or not.
     Forth come on...its already late. P'nine will scold us.

        Oh...ho..lam. Why are you shouting like this. Look I am ready let's go.

      Forth told him while take his purse and mobile. But instead of  say anything lam look at forth with intense gaze. He mesmerized by forth look. For him forth looking  so cute with his full white outfit.

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