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Forth felt relieved... finally. Even though he knew lam won't spill anything which make them suspicious...but still he felt nervouse around pha. So he felt relieved after pha left from there.

After pha left from there lam asked beam..

Mm...beam...is it the same yo who was used to be your's junoir with ming. And lately married to pha cousin.

Yeah...lam...but how did you knew yo.

Beam was really surprised at lam words. He didnt knew how lam knew about yo.

Ah...that... forth always told him about his favourites juinors back then.Actually he always talk about you guys.

Lam clarify beam doubt. It's true though. Beam who heard felt satisfied. He look at forth who is have smile asked him..

Is it true forth. You didn't forget us.

How can i forget about you guys. It just my situation..i didn't contact you all till now. But i always thought about you.

Beam felt overwhelmed. And he aually forget his curiosity to ask about how lam and forth become this much close to each other as a friends.

I am really happy to know this forth.You didn't forget us. I thought you forget as already and what more i thought we won't meet anymore. But here you are...still same as old forth.

Beam beamed with happiness told him. He really happy to met forth like this and even more happy when he came knew forth still think them as his friends.

Mm...don't need mention that beam. Now tell me how is your life going on.

Even though forth knew beam is already happily married with nong ming and have perfect profession. Still he want to hear from his friend what he really feel about his married life. Actually he want divert beam attention.

Its going great forth. Actually you know what... i have surpise for you.

Beam told him while show his wedding ring to forth with bright smile on his face. On the otherhand forth who already knew beam marriage with ming didn't shock. But pretend to be shock.

Omg...beam...is it true...

Beam nodded his head shyly...

Oh my...i didn't thought who used to be the great Casonava already married. Omg..who is that unlucky person.

Forth teased him with smile. While Beam who heard this felt embarrassed when forth remind him his past care free life.

Oy...forth. I am not Casanova anymore. Actually you will get heart attack when you knew who is my husband is.

Beam smirked at forth.

Mm...is it. Tell me who is your 'husband'. You used to fool around with girls. But now you ended up with husband. Wow...you really something beam. I didn't except this from you.

Forth teased beam even though he knew his love life. He thought it will be fun to tease beam who is used to be such a tease.



Beam unfold his small secret to forth with shyness.Usaully beam is such charming personality. But whenever he talk about his better half or we can say his love of life he always felt shy.

On the other hand forth pretend to shock when he heard who is beam husband. Actually he somewhat shock only when he saw beam shyness.

What...???!!!omg...is it true...are you kidding me beam. That kid... Nong ming who is always looked like lost puppy whenever he want something from us is really your husband beam.

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