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On the other lam and forth
happily drinking and chatting with each other. While drinking lam felt intense gaze on them. More like on him.

So he causally look at the direction. Thats where he spot doctor who was also tanet saviour with someone. Lam was relieved after knowing who is that person. So he just waved at his hand towards pha causally. He thought may be pha was looking at him just casually. Even though he felt weird feeling when they met at mall still he smiled at them. But what he don't know is pha still now didn't knew the person who is waving at him or see his face is actually TANET DAD. He just look at forth and companion.

Forth who saw lam action asked him.

Lam...whom your are looking at...someone you knew come to club.

Yes...there look. He is the doctor who saved our tanet that day at hospital when he was missed.

Is it...???where is he...??

Forth asked him excitement. Because he didn't either get the chance to meet that doctor nor thank him. So he its good chance to thank him.


Lam said show the direction to forth. Forth eagerly look at the direction. But when he saw the persons face he was shocked.

He didn't knew or thought that pha is doctor actually saved him which make his son talked about him almost a week. He thought 'is it fate or something. What god plan for our lives. I didn't knew still now how to face pha or talk to him.But now i need to face him with beam. Oh...god...what will i do. They are also looking at me . Now how will i manage this situation'. He talk to god silently.

Then without knowing himself he unconsciously utter their name.


What... what did you say???

Lam asked him. Because he don't know what forth under his breath.

But before he say anything...

Beam waved his hand happily while drag shocked pha with him towards forth table. Lam look at beaming beam with confusion now. He didn't knew who is he and why he coming to their table. Because he just waved at doctor not this guy.



Both lam and beam called forth and pha at the same time while look at them.

But before anyone say anything beam left pha hand and give bone crack hug still shocked forth.

Lam now stunned when he realised actually this guy knew forth and viceversa. But before he ask anything to pha who is looking at him with blank face...



Forth stuttered and lam almost shout make beam realise the hug...

Lam who is thinking about their relationship shocked when he heard forth called that stranger 'beam'. Because he knew who is beam. So unconsciously shouted forth name...

Oh...sorry forth.

Beam sheepishly told him while release the hug before eyed lam whose face is painted with worry. But before forth say anything lam said with fake smile like he didn't knew beam or pha. He completely ignore beam and forth interaction like he didn't see them.

Hello...doctor. Do you remembered me. Am tanet FATHER.

Forth and beam look at pha with shock but different mindset. Beam thought how pha knew this guy and whom they are talking about. While forth thought why lam asked him. Lam knew who is pha. Then why he remind pha encounter with tanet to him. What he try to do now.'

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