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Tanet was standing at their entrance and look at outside time to time. He was waiting like this for the past 10mins. Even though his grandparents and aunty asked him come back and wait at living. But he refused their offer and eagerly waiting for his daddy.


Tanet face lit up when he saw mommy car. He run into the car. But before he reached lam come out from passenger seat and run into him. He hugged his baby Tanet while tanet also hugged him like kola and buried his face on lam neck.

My baby...i missed you.

Lam showered him with kisses. Tanet also showered him with kisses after release his hold on his daddy neck.

I missed you too daddy. Why didn't visit me soon.

Tanet asked his daddy with cute pout. But before lam say anything forth interrupt them.

Okay..okay...its enough guys. Let's continue your reunions inside the house. Come on lam Everyone waiting for you.


Tanet pout cutely again. He don't his mommy interrupt him and his daddy like this.

Haha...let's go inside baby. I will carry you.

Lam told him and try to grap one luggage from forth while carrying tanet. But forth refused. Then three of them went inside. Lam already met forth parents and sister several times . They are more familiar to him. So they don't need any introduction just a welcome only.

Forth mom prepared heart warming dinner for lam. They had their dinner with lot of stories and laughs.

After dinner lam was settled at guest room. Lam give the things he bought for everyone. He even bought some branded handbags and cosmetics items for Achara who is going to get married.

Lam...son...thank you so much. But you don't need to buy things for us.

Forth mom said to him. And Achara also told him...

Yes...lam. You bought more costly items for me. I felt embarrassed now.

Haha...its not like that aunty. Its my first visit you all. I don't want to come with empty hand. Lam told to her then turn to Achara ' you are like sister to me. You don't need to embarrass. Its just small gifts from me for your wedding'.

Mm...thank you lam. I like everything to bought it for me.

Tanet who saw felt sad. His dad didn't give anything to me or his mommy. He thought his daddy forget to buy anything for them. So he asked his daddy with sad pout...

Daddy...You didn't give me and mommy anything.

Aah...my baby how can i forget to buy anything. I told you na i bought you whatever you asked. And i bought many toys. Look here.

Lam said opened the other suitcase which was full toys for tanet. Tanet eyes lit up when he saw this. He run into his dad and hugged him tightly.

Thank you daddy. Let's play.

After showered him with kisses tanet asked lam. Others who saw this smiled while forth shook his head. He knew its not to spoil tanet like this. But he say anything to lam. He knew how much lam love tanet and vice verse. So he saw them play together.

Half a hour later forth take tanet to bedroom. Even though tanet want to play with his daddy somemore time but his mommy strictly warned him don't disturb his dad. Tanet sulked.

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