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   P forth.... you okay. What did aunty told you. Is your son  okay.

    Ming came to sit with forth and asked him about tanet health.

    Ming came to sit with forth and asked him about tanet health

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      Forth signed and told  him what his mother told him.

      Don't worry forth. Aunty is correct. They already reached home when you return. So don't feel bad. Tanet will be alright.

    I hope so ming. He usually don't get sick. But when get sick he really become weak. That's why i worried about him.

     I can understand you feel p. But aunty uncle is there na. They  will takecare of tanet. Now eat your lunch.
      Forth went to home with bus. He refused the offer from ming. He don't want to disturb him.

      Mom dad...i am home.

      Good evening baby.  Go freshen up. I will make coffee for you.

    Mmm..okay mom. Where is my baby mom.

     He is sleeping in your room baby. I gave pills to him after his lunch. Don't worry he will better after he woke up.


     Forth went to his room and saw his sleeping son. He check temperature. He felt relived like his mom said he doesn't have  fever now...but surely he saw tiredness on his face.

    Sorry baby...mommy left you alone. Please forgive your mommy.

     Forth sit near his son and kissed his forehead

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     Forth sit near his son and kissed his forehead. Then went to  freshen up.

      Mom...what doctor told about my baby health.

      Forth came to living room where his mother waiting for him with snacks and drink.

       Forth mom told him what happened and sudden missing of tanet and his rescue.

     Omg... what if someone kidnapped  my baby. Thank god that doctor is a good Samaritan. He saved my son.

        Yes baby. He is really good person. You know he carried our tanet and cooed him like you always do.

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