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      Yes ming. I have son.

      Oh...i am so sorry p. Is your baby father is died or left you. Or some one night stand. I knew you won't do one night stand...but i just asking.

    No...no...he is alive. And i hope he is having happy life with someone he turely love. And no... its not one night stand.


      Actually...mmm...that...we were used to be friends.

       What are you saying p.Actually i was  with someone. We were in relationship without commitments. Even though i love him only. But after i found out that he is not ready for relationship with me and actually going to engaged with someone i left him. Even though  i knew i was pregnant that time.

        But p. I am sorry to say this but you know clearly that he was not going be in baby life then why you kept him p.

       Because i loved him and still love him ming. And i thought my baby is the precious gift i got from him.

      Forth shed some tears.

       Hmm...its okay p. Don't cry. I am sorry for say like that.

        Forth composed himself.
        It's okay ming. I knew you told that for my well being.

       Mm....p. Don't mistake me...who is he actually...i mean i knew him or not...

      No...no...you don't know him. I actually met him when i was in states.

        Forth don't want to say about pha who is already married now. He don't want to create unnecessary drama. He knew if he say anything to him he surely will tell to beam who is best friend of pha.


         But...Ming...don't say anything about this to beam. I knew he is your husband. But please i don't want anyone knew my return or my son.

        Hmm...okay p. I won't anything about you  return to anyone including p'beam. I promise.

        Thank you ming.

       It's okay p'forth. Let's go.

        Forth felt relived and also happy to know ming also working with him. So he won't feel lonely in new company.

        Hey...look there guys. Is he forth Jaturpoom moon of engineering.

    Kit point out his finger to show forth who is at the entrance of medical cafeteria.

Yeah...kitty. He is...but what is he doing here...?? Beam frowned.

May be he have friend in our faculty.


Pha still now didn't say anything but smirked to himself.

Forth finally spotted his friend and waved at him with smile on his face. Which make forth face more lively.

Wow...look at his smile kitty.

Beam and kit follow forth eye direction eagerly who make forth smile brightly.

They were shocked when pha lazily waved at him with uncaring attitude as usaul.

They open their mouth unbelievablely. They both didn't expect that sweet guy forth is actually here for their arrogant friend.

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