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A week later:

Forth went to shopping with his family for Achara wedding. They have only a week before her marriage. So they went to family shopping today. Achara and her fiance will have wedding dress shopping seperately.

Speaking of Achara finance forth already met him. Actually 2 weeks back before lam return they went to family dinner at fine resturant which was obviously booked by Achara fiance NINE.

Nine really happy to see his future brother and his son. Forth also felt relieved after knowing how good person nine is. He don't need to worry anymore about his sister with his finance.

In fact forth find nine is funny guy with gentle man look while nine find forth as a frirndly person.

Now they are in mall.

Honey...you guys go for your men's shopping while me and princess looking for women's things.

Forth mom told them.

Mm...okay mom. You guys go ahead. We will meet at ice cream parlour the one at first floor after shopping.

Forth told them. Everyone accept this plan. Forth carry his son. He knew if he put him down he surely like to run around. So he decide to carry him. If he felt tired he knew lam will carry. So he don't need to worry.


Take care you guys. Tanet baby don't run around. And always stick with your mother.

Okay grandma...

Okay guys...bye.

After that they went to opposite direction. Three men and one kid went to men shop. Forth dad select his suit which is blue just like forth and lam suit. Because They are going to wear same colour suit on achara wedding.

On the other hand forth mom also choose blue dress only which is matched with her daughter reception dress.

Then mother and daughter bought many clothes and accessories for Achara. They even bought some heels , shoes for her.

Back to men section after bought their wedding suit lam said he wants to buy some shirts. So they decided forth and lam go to causal section while forth dad take tanet to baby section.

Because forth wants to buy some daily clothes for his son who is going kindergarden.

Forth i go and try this clothes. You come back here after paid your things okay.

Mm..okay lam. You take your time. Don't rush. I will be back.

Forth told him before go to billing section. After paying everything he started leave from there.

Then he heard someone called his name which is somewhat familiar to him.

With hesitation forth turn back to look at the person who is called him.


Forth was stunned when he saw the person face.

There stood nong wayo with big belly and smile on his face.

Oy...pha...we forget saythis. Actually we saw your crush with his friend at club last night.

Kit told him when they are having their lunch at their cafeteria.

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