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      On the other hand Tanet  and his grand parents went to shopping mall after his school.

     Forth parents take tanet to shopping mall. Since tanet came here he didn't went out except his school. So today forth parents decided to take him out. Because forth dad don't have any work today and forth mom said he want to do some grocery shopping and some other things. So they thought to bring tanet with them. Since Forth or Achara can't accompany tanet because their work.

Tanet baby...don't run like that...you may fall...forth mom told to her grandson when tanet run into toys section while they shopping.


Tanet hold his both grandparent hands on both side and walk with them.

They buy groceries and some toys for tanet. Then they went to have ice cream. Tanet asked them he want to eat.

Baby don't tell about this ice cream matter to your mom. He will surely get angry at you. Not only you but us also.

But granny i can't lie to my mummy if he ask me.

Aah...forth mom cooed at het grandson innocence.

I am proud of you baby.

    Forth parent felt proud of their son.  They still remember the day forth came to them with broken heart.

       Its a next day of sotus. After came from beach forth didn't go to his dorm but dircetly board a bus to chiangmai without saying anything to anyone. He some what knew he won't meet his friends or his boyfriend anymore.

     Even though it took 8 hours to reach there forth didn't feel tired. Because it will give some time to him to compose himself before meet his parents.

     Around 6 pm. Forth reached his home town. He take taxi from bus station. He already nervous.  He didnt tell anything about his love life to his parents not even his sudden visit.

       When forth parents  saw forth at their door steps they shocked. They didn't knew why forth come here without informing them. And from the look on forth face they knew something is not good. So they didn't ask him anything. They just hugged him. Forth who still now control his tears burst into cry.

        After his cried to his heart content he went to his room. He just came to have dinner with them. They didn't ask him anything because they don't want to force him.

     Next day only forth told them how he met his boyfriend how they end up together , how he came to know his boyfriend is going to engaged with  his father business partner kid who is also their junior when he came to tell him about pregency. How he felt betrayal and how he left from their without saying anything to him.

        Forth parents shocked about the information. They don't know what to say. But at the end they accept forth and his pregency. After all they are their son. They also accept forth decision of leaving uni.
   Granny.... honey...

   Both tanet and forth father called forth mom who is in here memory lane.

     What happened honey.

     Oh nothing...i am sorry....Let's go.

     But tanet stopped and asked them..

     Wait here granny. I want to pee.
     Then you take your grandpa with you.

Mmm...okay then.Let's go grandpa.

Okay my champ.

   Forth dad carry his grand son.

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