1)You Forgot Your Promise

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Sunoo Pov
I Was Now Here In A Press Conference Finalli I Am Already Done In My Speech

"Mr.Kim Mr.Kim I Have Some Question On You"A Reporter Said

"Sure Go Ahead"I Said

"Their Is A Romour That Your Son's Mother Is Dead Is That Really True?"The Reporter Said

"Who Ever Made That Romours Please Stop Spreading Fake News..My Son's Mom Is Alive She Just Need Some Privacy For Awhile But I Will Officially Introduce Them To Everyone Soon..Please Stop Believing Romours Without My Answers Everyone Cause Fake News Is Everywhere"I Said And Went Out In The Stage

"Mr.Kim We Still Have Questions For You"Some Reporters Said I Ignore Them And Left

Author Pov
Things Was Everywhere And The Only One Did Is The One And Only Sung Chul

"Sir Please Stop It"An Employee Said Sung Chul Ignore The Employee And Throw Sunoo's Laptop That The Employee Quickly Catch It

"Lets Now Throw This Okay This Is Your Father's Lap Top"The Employee Said And Puy The Laptop In The Safe Place

"You Want Me To Call Your Appa Now?"The Employee Said With Fears And Sung Chul Nodded And She Quickly Dial His Boss Number

Sunoo Pov
I Was Now Infront Of My Office Door I Went Inside And Saw A Mess??I Saw My Employee Calling Someone

"Kim Sung Chul What Do You Think Your Doing In My Office"I Said In A Angry Tone But In A Low Tone

"Omo!Mr Kim Your Finally Here"My Employee Said

"Yes You Go Back To Your Work Now I Will Take Care On Him"I Said

"Yes Mr Kim"The Employee Said And Left Sung Chul Look At Me And Show Me A Card Words

"You Are Late"I Read In The Card Words

"Yes Cause I Have A Press Conference I Had A Work"I Said And He Show Me A Card Words

"You Forgot Your Promise"I Read It

"Okay I Kinda Forgot It Be With Sung Chul Every Time,All Appa's Attention Is Just For Sung Chul,Be With Sung Chul Cause He Always Needs Me Is That It?"I Said And He Nodded

"Mr.Kim You Have A Meeting In One Of Our Hotel"My Secretary Said

"Okay We Will Be There Make Sure That They Clean My Office Sung Chul Come With Me"I Said And We Left

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