28)Its Better If I Will Just Die

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Sunoo Pov
As I Arrive In The Hospital Were She Is Working I Quickly Went To Her Clinic And I Look She Was Not Already There I Sigh And Walk In The Hallway And Saw Her Friends

"Sunoo What Are You Doing Here"Hyunsuk Said

"Did You See Y/n?"I Said

"No She Just Left Like 10 Minutes Ago"Yeji Said

"I Need To Talk To Her Please Help Me Find Her"I Said

"She Is At The Beach She Wants To Be Alone"Yerin Said

"Thanks I Will Go There"I Said And Left Dont Worry Y/n I Will Find You

Author Pov
Beach Cold Air Was In There While Just Hearing The Oceans Wave Y/n Was Looking In The Ocean While Completely Drunk

"You Hurt Me Kim Sunoo I Hate You"She Said While Crying Drunkly

"Its Better That I Will Just Die"She Said And Remove Her Sandals And Went In The Ocean  

The Water Is Getting Higher That Can Already Make Her Drown She Was Already Unconcious

"Sunoo I Love You"She Said And Already Drown In The Ocean

Sunoo Pov
I Finally Arrive In The Beach

"Y/n"I Call Her While Looking Around While I Turn On My Flashlight I Saw A Hand In The Ocean And I Identify The Bracelet

"Y/n!"I Said And Quickly Rush And Get Her I Quickly Carry Her A Bridal Style And Lay Her In The Beach Sand I Quickly Do A CPR On Her

"Please Y/n Dont Leave Me"I Said While Doing A CPR On Her Again And She Woke Up And Spit Some Water She Opened Her Eyes And Look At Me

"Y/n Your Already Awake"I Said

"Sunoo Dont Leave Me I Love You"She Said To Me And Passed Out

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