11)Me And Sung Chul Are Your Family

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Y/n Pov
I Was Now Finally In My Room Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

I Was In My Laptop When The Bathroom Door Opened Revealing Him He Walk Towards Me And Lay In The Bed

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I Was In My Laptop When The Bathroom Door Opened Revealing Him He Walk Towards Me And Lay In The Bed

"Yah!Kim Sunoo"I Said Calling Him

"What Do You Want Kim Y/n"He Said

"What??Did You Just Call Me Kim Y/n?"I Said

"Yes Got A Problem On That Mrs Kim"He Said In Annoyed Tone So This Man Is Sassy Gosh I Death Glare On Him Before Answerinv

"Did You Plan All Of This?"I Said

"Plan On What?"He Said Confusely While Narrowing His Eye Brows

"Plan On Want To Sleep Here In My House And Especially In My Room?"I Saif

"What??Of Course I Didn't I Even Miss Sung Chul Already"He Said

"Im Sure Subg Chul Is Still Doing Fine"I Said

"You Know What You Are So Lucky To Have A Family Like Them"He Confessed

"How Can I Be Lucky When They Always Tease Me"I Said

"Thats Part Of A Family Moments"He Said

"Why Are You Saying Like This"I Said

"Im Just Saying It Cause You Are Lucky To Have Them They Are Always With You,Eat With You,Always By Your Side Your So Lucky To Have Them But Me Im Not All Of Them Already Left Me I Think Its Because They Really Not Love Me"He Said

"Yah!Dont Say That"I Said In A Low Tone

"What??Its True They All Left Me My Relatives Left Me My Family All Left Me Im All Alone"He Said In A Sad Tone Is This The Reason Why Is He Cold?

"No You Are Not Alone We Are Here Me And Sung Chul Are Your Family We Wont Leave You"I Said Cheering Him Up

"Thanks Y/n"He Said In A Warm Smile And His Phone Rings And I Few Second He Hang It Up

"Who Is It?"I Said

"Its Secretary Seo He Said Sung Chul Got Fever And Took In The Hospital I Have To Go Now"He Said

"Wait Im Coming Your Are Not Only Sung Chul's Parents I Am Also His Mom"I Said

"Okay Hurry Up"I Said While Going In The Closet Room Getting Change

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