12)Appa Is So Sick

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We Finally Arrive In The Hospital Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovWe Finally Arrive In The Hospital Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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We Opened The Private Room And Saw Sung chul In The Bed While The Nurse Is Struggling In Taking Him A His Medicine

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We Opened The Private Room And Saw Sung chul In The Bed While The Nurse Is Struggling In Taking Him A His Medicine

"Omo!Mr Kim Your Finally Here"Secretary Seo Said

"What Happened?"Sunoo Ask Worriedly

"One Of The Care Taker Was Watching Him When She Saw Sung Chul Was Shivering So She Touch His Forehead And He Was So Hot"Secretary Seo Said Explaining It On Us

"Did You Know That Sung Chul Was Sick In The Morning?"I Said Asking Sunoo

"No I Were Have A Busy Schedule Today So I Didn't Had A Time To Check On Him"Sunoo Said

"Excuse But Are You Kim Sung Chul Parents?"The Nurse Ask

"Yes Thats Us"Me And Sunoo Said In The Same Time

"Well Just Asking Can You Help Me On Taking His Medicine He Doesn't Want Though"The Nurse Said

"You Can Go Now We Will Make Sure We Will Take His Medicine"I Said

"Okay Doctor Lee"The Nurse Said And Left I Went To Sung Chul And Get His Medicine

"Sung Chul Ssi Look Eomma Is Here Can You Take The Medicine So You Will Get Better?"I Said And He Shook His Head As No

"Well You Know What Appa Is Also Sick Right?"I Said Looking On Sunoo Signing Him To Join Me On Convincing Sung Chul To Drink His Medicine

"Yes Appa Is So Sick Ouch!"Sunoo Said

"Look Appa Is Sick Then I Will Give Appa A Medicine Appa Drink This"I Said Giving Sunoo A Mug And Sunoo Act He Drink It

"Now Appa How Are You Feeling Does The Medicine Feel Good?"I Said

"Yes I Feel More Stronger Now And The Medicine Is So Yummy"Sunoo Said

"Look Appa Is More Stronger Now..Now Its Time For Our Dear Sung Chul To Drink"I Said Giving A Little Cup On Him Were His Medicine Is And He Energetically Drink It

"Wow Thats Our Sung Chul Our Sung Chul Is A Strong Boy"I Said Patting His Head

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