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Sunoo Pov
I Was Now Here In My Mansion In The Living Room Playing With Sung Chul When The Door Opened Revealing My Friends

"What Are You Guys Doing In Here?"I Said

"Why Cant We Visit Our Sunshine?"Jay Hyung Said

"Omo!Annyeong Haseyo(Hello)Sung Chul Did You Miss Uncles?"Heesung Hyung Said Asking Sung Chul And Sung Chul Nodded

"Sung Chul Ah Play Upstairs With Secretary Seo Okay?"I Said And He Nodded And Left

"Yah!Whats Wrong You Look Stress These Days"Jake Hyung Said

"Yeah And You Look Busy Can You Tell Us Whats Happening?"Sunghoon Hyung Said Worriedly I Deeply Sigh

"Sung Chul's Doctor Resign Again"I Said

"What??Isn't That His Doctor Just Last Week?"Jungwon Said

"Yeah He Resign Cause He Cant Take Sung Chul Cause He Think His Blood Pressure Will Get Higher When He Take Care On Sung Chul"I Said While Drinking My Whiskey

"Poor Sung Chul So What Are You Going To Do Now"Niki Said

"Maybe Find Again A Doctor That Can Handle Sung Chul"I Saif

"Maybe Heesung Hyung's Sister Can Help You She Is A Psychiatrist She Took Care On Kids Like Sung Chul Has Health Issues"Jay Hyung Said

"Yeah Y/n Can Help You She Already Treat Some Kids Like Sung Chul They Got To Normal And Also They Can Already Speak"Heesung Hyung Said

"Hyungs Do You Think My Brother Will Get Better?"I Said

"Yes Sunoo Just Be Positive Im Sure He Will Get Well Soon"Jake Hyung Said

"I Also Had Some Other Problem"I Said

"Is This About Sung Chul's Mom That Everyone Wants To Know?"Sunghoon Hyung Said

"Yes Thats It I Really Need A Girl To Act Like Sung Chul Mom But I Dont Trust Anybody Cause Sung Chul Might Be In Danger Or Else The Truth Will Spread"I Said

"Well I Think We Got A Little Problem On That Thing"Jungwon Sair

"Why Dont We Ask Help On Uncle And Auntie Lee Since They Are Really Expert In This"Niki Said

"Yeah Thats What Im Thinking Though"Jay Hyung Said

"Are You Guys Sure That Uncle And Auntie Lee Can Help Is In Thie Case?"I Said Worriedly

"Dont Worry I Will Be There For You"Heesung Hyung Said While Patting My Back

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