10)Sleep In Y/n's Room

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Y/n Pov
It Was Now Already 10 Pm

"Well I Think I Should Get Going Now"Sunoo Said Oh Please Leave Now I Miss My Bed Already

"No No No You Cant Leave"Eomma Said

"Its Already Late To Home In This Hour"Heesing Oppa Said Oh Gosh Just Let Him Leave I Want To Rest

"Yeah And You Even Drink An Alcohol Much Its Too Dangerous To Drive"Appa Said

"Im Okay Appa Im Even Not Too Drunk And Sung Chul Is In The Mansion"Sunoo Said Just Go And Leave

"No No I Advice You Stay Here And Sleep In Y/n's Room"Eomma Said

"What??In My Room?"I Said Shookly

"Well The Thing Here Sis The Guest Rooms Got Renuvated So Sunoo Has To Sleep With You Besides His Going To Be Your Husband"Heesung Oppa Said

"Okay Fine"I Said Gosh I Hope Sunoo Disagree

"But How About Sung Chul Im Worried On Him"Sunoo Said Yes He Has A Reason Just Go Away

"You Can Call Secretary Heo To Watch On Him"Eomma Said

"Well I Guess Thats A Great Idea Eomma"Sunoo Said Gosh Why Did He Agree?And Why Is He Calling My Own Mother Eomma Gosh

"Okay Then I Think Its All Set Now We Should Go First Now"Appa Said And They Left

"Bye Guys Enjoy Your Night Sleeping With Each Other"Heesung Oppa Said In A Tease Tone And Left

"I Should Go First In My Room You Know It Right?"I Said

"Yeah I Will Just Get Some Things In My Car"He Said And I Nodded And We Parted Our Ways

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