20)Lets Take A Night Here

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Y/n Pov
I Was Guiding Sung Chul

"So This Is The Lake Sung Chul Ssi Its So Nice Right?"I Said And I Dont Receive An Answer

"Sung Chul Ssi?"I Call Him And I Look Around Shoot Where Is He?I Saw Sunoo Walking Towards Me

"Is Sung Chul With You?"I Ask Him

"No I Get His Scarf Right He Is With You Right"Sunoo Said

"He Was In My Back But When I Look He Is Not Already Here"I Said

"Oh My Gosh Y/n What Did You Do"Sunoo Said

"Im Sorry Okay Im Also His Mom Im Also Worried On Him"I Said And His Phone Vibrate And He Look Something On It

"Yah!Aren't You Just Going To Help Me Finding Him Before Its Start Snowing Again?"I Said

"He Is Already Safe"Sunoo Said

"Wait?What?"I Said And He Show Me His Phone

"Wait?What?"I Said And He Show Me His Phone

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(Just Imagine There Is A Kid There)

"So Your Saying He Is With Them?"I Said

"Yes I Think They Plan This But Anyways Lets Go"Sunoo Said And I Follow Him Were He Park His Car

"So Where Is Your Car?"I Said

"Its Just Here Before"Sunoo Said

"Are You Sure?"I Said

"Shoot I Think They Got My Car Also"Sunoo Said

"What??How Can They Got Your Car?"I Said

"My Car Key Was Missing This Morning And I Have To Use The Duplicate On It"Sunoo Said

"So What Are We Going To Do Now?Its Already Getting Night And The Snow Storm Is Coming"I Said And He Saw Some Box And Get It And It Was Some Tent And Food

"Lets Take A Night Here"He Said

"What??Are You Serious On That?"I Said

"Yes I Am"He Said And I Just Deeply Sigh

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