13)You Like Her Dont You?

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Sunoo Pov
I Saw Y/n Convincing Sung Chul To Drink

"Boss You Know What She Is Perfect On You"My Secretary Whispered On Me While Smiling

"Yah!What Are You Saying"I Said

"You Guys Suit Well You Guys Are A Perfect Couple"My Secretary Whispered Again

"Yah!Why You Saying That Aish Wait On Me Outside I Will Be There In 5 Minutes"I Said

"Okay Okay"My Secretary Tease And Left While I Smile Like An Idiot Aish Lee Y/n What Are You Doing To Me

Y/n Pov
Sung Chul Was Now Done Drinking His Medicine I Put The Cup In The Night Stand And He Move A Little And His Bed And Sign Me To Lay Beside Him I Look At Sunoo

"You Go And Lay Beside Him..This Is The First Time He Wants To Sleep With Somebody And Share His Bed"Sunoo Said

"You Want Eomma To Sleep Beside You?"I Said And He Nodded

"Okay Eomma Will Sleep With You"I Said Laying Beside Him

Sunoo Pov
I Saw Sung Chul And Y/n Im Sure They Are Getting Well A Smile In My Face Plastered But It Soon Disappered When Y/n Look At Me

"What?"I Said While Raising My Right Eye Brow

"Did You Just Smile?"She Said Shoot Did She See Me?Kim Sunoo Your Really Dumb

"What??No I Didn't"I Said

"No I Saw You Smiling"She Said

"Kim Y/n I Think You See It In A Wrong Way I Didn't Smile"I Said

"Okay Okay Sorry"She Apologize

"I Have To Go Now To Get Some Coffee For Us"I Said And She Nodded And I Went Outside And Saw My Secretary

"You Like Her Dont You?"My Secretary Said

"What??Of Course Not"I Said

"Aish Boss Just Admit It"My Secretary Said In A Tease Way

"Aish Stop Teasing Me Lets Go Get Some Coffee"I Said And I Left While He Follow Me Behind

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