29)I Still Love My Wife

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Next Day
Y/n Pov
I Woke Up And Saw Im In A White Room What Happened Last Night?Did Sunoo Really Save Me?

"Your Finally Awake"A Fammiliar Voice I Heard And It Was My Love Of My Life He Quickly Hug Me And I Push Him

"Let Go Of Me"I Said To Him

"Y/n Im So Sorry"He Said While Tearing Up

"Sorry?I Hate You Kim Sunoo I Hate You"I Said To Him Angrily While Tears Fall In My Eyes

"You Hurt Me I Hate You I Hate You"I Said And He Quickly Hug Me

"I Know Just Slap Me I Know My Mistakes"He Said While Tearing Up

"Just Hate Me Y/n I Know My Mistakes I Know I Shouldn't Force To Divorce You My Wife"He Said

"Im Not Your Wife I Already Sign It"I Said

"We Are Still Married"He Said

"What??"I Said To Him Confusely

~Flash Back 1 Week Ago~
Sunoo Pov
I Was Now In My Office

"Boss Can I Pass It To The Attorney Already The Divorce Papers"My Secretary Said

"Forget On It"I Said

"Boss What Do You Mean By That?"My Secretary Said And I Get The Divorce Papers And Cut It Into Pieces

"I Still Love My Wife"I Said And Put The Divorce Papers In My Trash Can

~End Of FlashBack~

"Will You Still Be My Wife Kim Y/n"He Said While Kneeling Down

"Of Course I Will Be Kim Sunoo"I Said And Wipe My Tears And He Hug Me

"Yes!Thank You For Coming In My Life Again Y/n I Promise I Wont Hurt You Again"He Said

"Thank Also For Coming Back in My Life Again Kim Sunoo"I Said And We Broke The Hug And He Smile On Me

"You Are Too Precious To Get Hurt"He Said And His Phone Rings

"Answer It Already Maybe Its Important"I Said And He Answer It And Hang It Up

"Hyunjun Took Sung Chul"He Saud

"What??"I Said Shookly

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