23)I Love Sung Chul As My Own Son

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Y/n Pov
We Arrive In The House

"Sung Chul Ssi Do You Wanna Go To School And Had Some Friends?"I Said

"Yes Mommy I Want That"Sung Chul Said Make Me Smile

"Okay Then Hyejin Where Is Sunoo"I Said Asking One Of The Maid

"He Is In His Office Maam"Hyejin Said

"Okay Letchugoo"I Said And We Went In His Office I Knock In The Door

"Come In"He Said And We Went Inside

"Sung Chul Y/n What Are You Guys Doing Here"Sunoo Said Who Was Looking In His Laptop And On Us

"Well Sung Chul Wants To Tell You Sung Chul Baby Go Ahead"I Said And We Sat In The Chair

"Appa I Want To Go To School"Sung Chul

"What??You Want To Go To School?"Sunoo Said Shookly

"Yes I Want To Have Some Friends"Sung Chul Said

"Look Sunoo You Know Education Is So Important On Sung Chul You Know What I Mean Right?"I Said And He Deeply Sigh

"Sung Chul Go To Your Room Me And Your Eomma Will Talk On It"Sunoo Said

"Okay Appa"Sung Chul Said And Left

"So Where Is This School You Mean"I Said

"Hyunsuk Oppa And Yeji Really Suggested It On Me And Its Called Sunshine Kindergarten School"I Said

"Sunshine Kindergerten School?"Sunoo Said

"Yes They Help Kids To Move On In Trauma And Phobias Especially Like Sung Chul Who Got In Car Accident"I Said

"No That School Doesn't Need My Son"Sunoo Said

"Yah!Kim Sunoo Im Also His Guardian Just Telling You That I Also Has Decision To Decide On Him"I Said

"Kim Y/n I Think You Forgotten Why You Became My Wife Right?"Sunoo Said

"I Dont Care On It I Love Sung Chul As My Own Son So You Are Still Not The Only One His Guardian Its Also Me"I Said And Storm Out In The Room

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