3)Lets Find Your Appa

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Author Pov
Sunoo Was On His Meeting While Sung Chul Was Just In A Waiting Room Sung Chul Was Getting Bored Wanna Go Out Be He Cant Cause His Dad Guards Are Watching Him

"I Think Lets Take A Break"The Guard Said

"But How About Boss Son?"The Other Guard Said

"Dont Worry So Much Im Sure He Wont Left"An Another Guard Said And They Left As Soon As The Guard Left Sung Chul Who Was Eating His Chips Quickly Went Outside He Took An Elevator To The Lobby Were People Looking At  Him

"Omo!Your So Cute"A Woman Said And They Start Taking A Picture On Him Makes Her Annoyed And Scream

Y/n Pov
I Was In The Lobby When I Saw People Doing Crowd What Does People Doing?I Heard A Kid Screaming I Quickly Look At There And Saw Him He Must Be Scared I Quickly Went On Him Ans He Quickly Hug Me I Broke The Hug

"Hey There Kiddo Whats Your Name?"I Said And He Went Silent

"Okay I Will Ask You A Question But Can You Nodded Your Head If Thats Yes?"I Sais And He Nodded

"Are You Scared Thats Why You Shout?"I Said Ans He Nodded

"Why Are You Scared On What Can You Tell It On Me"I Said And He Wrote Something In His Ipad And Show It On Me

"Cause People Doing Crowd On Me I Hate Strangers Please Tell Them To Leave Me Alone"His Ipad Said

"Okay I Understand You Now Are You With Someone?"I Ask Him Again And He Wrote Something In His Ipad Again And Show Me

"Yes I Am With My Appa"His Ipad Said

"Kiddo Can I Ask You A Favor?"I Sais And He Nodded

"Will You Come With Me Lets Find Your Appa And Also I Will Give This To You"I Said Giving Him My Plushie With My Handkerchief

"Will You Come With Me Lets Find Your Appa And Also I Will Give This To You"I Said Giving Him My Plushie With My Handkerchief

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He Get The Plushie And Nodded As Yes Makes Me Chuckle

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He Get The Plushie And Nodded As Yes Makes Me Chuckle

"What A Smart Kid Are You Lets Go And Find Your Appa Arraso?"I Sais Anz He Nodded And We Took An Elevator

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