9)Planning On The Wedding?

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Y/n Pov
Finally Im Done In My Work I Finally Arrive In Our House Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

Y/n PovFinally Im Done In My Work I Finally Arrive In Our House Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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The Maids Open The Door On Me

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The Maids Open The Door On Me

"Good Evening Maam"They Greeted

"Good Evening"I Said And Went Inside And Saw Heesung Oppa Looking In News Papers

"Oppa Whats For Our Dinner"I Said

"I Am Not Your Oppa"A Fammiliar Voice Said Make Me Flinch

"Wait A Minute Sunoo?"I Said And He Stand Up And Turn Around Me

"Yes Thats Me"He Answer

"What Are You Doing Here"I Said

"Sunoo Ssi-- Uwu!Y/nie Your Already Here"Eomma Said

"Well The Thing Is Your Mom Invited Me For A Dinner"Sunoo Said

"Eomma Why Didn't You Told Me About This"I Said

"Oppsie I Kinda Forgot Btw Lets Go Now"Eomma Said And We Follow Her In The Dining Table And We Start Eating

"So Guys Did You Already Plan On The Wedding?"Appa Said

"Planning On The Wedding?"I Said

"Yes It Should Be Plan Already Y/n Since You Guys Are Already Getting Married"Heesung Oppa Said

"Well Speaking Of That I Already Plan It Already"Sunoo Said Giving A Envilope On Appa

"I Already Plan On The Wedding,In The Photo Shoot,The Reception And In The Engagement Party I Pick The Most Skillful Staffs To Do That"Sunoo Said

"But Why Didn't You Told Me About This"I Said While Looking On Him

"I Just Dont Want You To Get Stress And Also You Need To Be More Pretty On Our Wedding Babe"He Said What He Just Call Me Babe?

"Omo!Your So Sweet Sunoo Ssi Your Really Perfect On My Daughter So Y/n You Are So Lucky To Have A Husband Like Him"Eomma Said While Sunoo Smile Looking Proud On His Self

"Yeah Yeah Yeah"I Said While Continue Eating Our Food

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