Chapter 1 - Found

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Months had passed since Adam had heard that message. Even having a radio and tunning into it every night he had never found that message (or any other message) again.

He was almost in Vancouver, though, he had just left Seattle. Some more miles and he would be able to find the new civilization. He was almost there, about to have a normal... well, normal-ish life.

Adam felt exhausted, everywhere was hurting, he was running out of food and water and there was not one supermarket where he could get something for miles. He wasn't going to give up but sometimes he wondered if it wouldn't just be easier...

One night, when he had already settled down to sleep, he heard a noise. He wasn't sure where it was coming from but he heard steps. At first he thought it could be a little animal who was coming to the city but he quickly recognized those as being human steps. He stood up quickly, kind of excited since he hadn't seen a human all of those months. He grabbed his gun, obviously, although he was excited he wouldn't risk being defenseless in front of an unknown person, and hid behind a car.

He was right, it was a human. They were wearing a black hoodie, jeans and sneakers, they did look like a man but Adam didn't want to guess since he couldn't even see their face. He noticed how the hoodie was covering most of their face and he wondered if they had had any kind of weird mutation because of those bombs. He imagined the most awful things like half of their face burnt, or maybe even a really messed up body but he quickly scolded himself quietly for wondering about something like this.

He realized he had scolded himself out loud and shutted up. The person turned around and looked in his direction. Adam tried to hide but it was too late, they had seen him.

-Hey! You, behind the car! - he yelled. Now Adam could call them a "he", his voice was way rougher than a woman's, Adam could also identify a strong british accent.

Adam still considered the option of running but he heard steps getting closer to the car. And, after all, he did want to know the other guy since he was the last human he had seen lately.

When he thought the guy was close enough to the car he stood up and pointed his gun out.

-Stay where you are! - he yelled.

He looked around a bit confused, the guy wasn't standing there, as he expected. He wasn't anywhere to be honest.

-Wow, for a guy with a gun you really don't pay attention to your back, do you? - the same british accent, now behind him, grinned.

Adam felt himself freeze for a second but quickly turned around and pointed the gun at the guy's face. He didn't expect the guy to stand there, with a smug grin on his face. Under the moon's illumination all he could see was half of the man's face. He was way smaller than Adam and he seemed unarmed, there was no reason for Adam to be scared of him. Even so he still hadn't lowered his gun, he had a bad feeling about this guy.

-Take off your hood. - Adam ordered firmly.

Adam couldn't see but he could almost swear that the guy rolled his eyes as he brought his hands to the black hood. He took it off slowly, Adam was ready to shoot at any moment but he gave up that thought when he took a better look at the guy's face. Nor only small, he also seemed very... delicate. His eyes looked black, although Adam quickly identified those as lenses. There was no reason to worry about looks after most of the human race was extinguished so he supposed the guy problably needed them to see. He had thin lips and soft skin, black shiny hair and that annoying smug grin on his face. The only odd thing on his face was the big scar on his right eye. Adam caught himself wondering about it, too, but didn't ask. Even with that scar he was a very atractive man.

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