Chapter 8 - Fake B!tch

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  3 Days Later

Nick was tired of watching Elliot all over Adam all the time. He thought that when Adam slept with him it would mean that Elliot wouldn't be a problem anymore, he thought that they'd have a fight; which they did, and broke up; which they didn't. But now Adam didn't even look at him twice before running to Elliot like a puppy.

Nick never really liked Elliot but now he felt like he hated him. He wanted Adam just for himself, with no weird looking guys covered in scars all over him. He had to find a way to break them up.

Adam was busy sorting some of their supplies out and, as if to tease Nick, he had no shirt on. Of course the blonde boy couldn't let this oportunity pass, especially because Elliot was near them and could watch.

He walked over to Adam and started to stroke his shoulders very softly. At first Adam thought it was Elliot, so he didn't say a thing and even purred a bit when the soft hands started to massage his back.

-Mhh, that feels amazing, baby... - Adam whispered, still convinced that those were Elliot's hands.

Nick realized that Adam didn't know it was him so he stood quiet. This could actually help him. He stroked down Adam's back and kept massaging it softly, now aware of Elliot's (who was standing behind him) gaze over them. He moved his hands from Adam's back to his belly and stroked it slowly before bringing his hands to Adam's firm chest.

-You have such a nice body... - Nick finally whispered after a bit, grinning.

Adam immediately tensed up when he realized the guy touching him wasn't Elliot and quickly turned around. Before he could do, say or think anything Nick smashed their mouths togheter in a fierce, sexual kiss. Adam froze for a bit and had no reaction other than to stay still.

Elliot, watching that, felt himself get angrier and angrier and walked towards them like a furious bull. Adam noticed him and quickly pushed Nick away. He was about to start apologizing, saying that he thought Nick was Elliot but before he could Elliot turned Nick around and punched his face.

Nick stumbled back, surprised, and just as Adam he had no reaction. At least until Elliot grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up.

-I swear to God, Nick, if you ever touch him again I'll throw you on the fucking river! - Elliot growled.

Nick, almost as if automatically, kicked Elliot's shin, making him let go of him with a hiss.

-You bloody brat! - the british man yelled as he jumped back on Nick.

They both fell on the ground and started to roll around on top of each other: scratching each other, bitting each other, hitting each other, pulling the other's hair, insulting each other... everything was allowed.

At last, Adam was able to separate them by pulling Elliot away from Nick, who was laying on the ground bleeding from the nose and mouth. Elliot himself was covered in scratches which were bleeding, and several more injuries like a black eye and bite mark on his arm.

-You two, stop! - Adam ordered, yelling. - Are you two animals?!

Nick stood up and spat some blood on the ground.

-I'm tired of this, I can't live with this monster anymore! - he yelled dramatically. - I don't know about you, Adam, but I'm not going to wait until I wake up with a knife on my chest because of this freak! I'm leaving! - the blonde boy said as he ran back inside the tent to get his stuff.

-Nick, wait! - Adam sighed. - Elliot, what the hell?! - he yelled as he turned to the younger man.

Elliot was in a much worser state than Nick. Nick was just bleeding a bit from his mouth and nose, while Elliot was bleeding much more and was full of bruises. Nick was really going at it.

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