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All that he could hear were the explosions. For years, all that he could hear were shots, screaming and terror. Those were the years when World War III happened. Adam just spent those years trying to survive by himself since everyone he knew was dead. His family, his friends, his neighbours, everyone.

He remembers the attack that turned an already harmful war into totally destruction. Of everything. Nuclear bombs started falling from the sky, some sent by the USA, others coming from Asia, others from Europe, Africa and even from South America. Literally everywhere. And they all fell in different parts of the world, causing billions of deaths and almost extinguishing the human race. Some survived, though, and fortunately (or unfortunately) Adam was one of them.

For days he tried to catch any radio station, any message, just something that would give him a little bit of hope or, at least, a reason to go on. Weeks passed and he got nothing. When he was almost giving up he did hear something weird coming from the radio. It seemed like a voice, but it was totally imperceptible. He adjusted some settings on the radio, tried to get the sign more stable but before he lost connection he was only able to understand 4 words: "new civilization" and "Canada, Vancouver".

That was what gave him a reason to go on. There was hope. There was actually a chance that some humans could still be alive, and that they were already forming a new civilization.

The next day he went to his (old) work place, the police station, hoping that even if destroyed there was still some stuff left there. Weapons, food, water, anything could be useful now.

Thankfully there were still some useful things there that weren't destroyed. He got some fire weapons he knew how to work with, amo and some drinkable water he found. It was weird to come back here, to see the place where he worked in for years totally destroyed. The rooms where he had met his work partners, where he had trainned.... everything was gone. He could say the same about his city, the city he had grown up in, where he had met people who turned out to be very important to him, where he had studied and lived all of his life. All of it was gone, everyone was gone. His chest tightened every time he thought about it. He realized that if he really wanted to get to Canada he couldn't let himself get distracted over things like this, so he locked all of those feelings on a drawer deep, deep inside his brain. Maybe some day he would think about them again, but now it wasn't the time for that.

He ran back home and got his stuff organized, grabbed a backpack where he hopefully could fit enough stuff to get to Vancouver. It could take a while, he was in L.A., after all. But he needed to get there somehow. Even if it took weeks, months, years... He just needed to get there.

When he walked out of his house he took a last look at it. As expected it was also destroyed, most of the walls were still up but they were also broken. The ceilling had holes on it and the whole area was full of wild animals, the piped water and eletricity had stopped working a long, long time ago. Adam honestly couldn't remember the last time he had showered. He sighed. He wanted to keep those feelings on the drawer but looking at his childhood house in this state... it reminded him that everything he had ever known was gone. His parents, his brother and nephew, his friends, were all gone. He was alone and he didn't have a photo, a little object, a draw made by his baby nephew, nothing to remind him of them. Not even a chance to say goodbye.

When he realized that there were tears running down his face he quickly shutted his eyes and cleaned them. He shutted the drawer again and kept it even deeper inside his brain, locked. Finally, he turned around and left. This time without looking back. He promised himself he wouldn't look back anymore, from now on he would just look at his future. Forgetting about his past.

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