Chapter 5 - Special Night

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Adam ran after Elliot for some time. At first he tried to call him but he quickly realized that wouldn't work and it was just a waste of breath. He kept running but Elliot was much faster than him, and being smaller than him he could also fit through some tight passages.

Fortunately their run didn't take long. Elliot, while running through a destroyed road, tripped on a piece of pavement and fell with his face on the floor. That was enough time for Adam to reach him.

-Don't run away! - Adam whined as he kneeled down beside Elliot to help him sit up, breathless.

Elliot pulled away from Adam's touch violently and grunted.

-Don't touch me! - the british man complained as he stood up. - And leave me alone!

He was problably about to run away again when Adam grabbed his ankle. He fell down again and wriggled as if he was doing it to save his life. Adam crawled over him and pinned his wrists down tightly to keep him still.

-Stop running, for God's sake! I'm not 20 anymore! - Adam grunted.

-What the fuck do you want?! - Elliot snapped. - The world is fucking over, okay?! Do you want to keep me locked up with that pair of shitty handcuffs?! Fine, I'll just break free again! See if you get this: there are no prisons anymore, there are no jails anymore, you can't keep me locked up! You-

-I'm sorry! - Adam interrupted. - I just wanted to say I'm sorry... - he sighed. - I didn't mean to say that about your friend, I really didn't. And... I know there were a lot of cops who really were racist and all of those things that you called us but I'm not like that. And yes, sometimes the judges don't make fair decisions and although that's not an excuse to kill someone you are right: the world is freaking over. I can't keep you locked up and even if I could I don't think I want it...

Elliot looked away in silence. Adam's grip on his wrists was now much softer and loose than when he started talking, Elliot wondered if he meant what he was saying.

-We're the only people we've seen, lately. - Adam went on. - I don't want to be alone again. Do you?

Elliot's answer was just a little shake of his head.

-So will you come with me? - the american man asked.

Elliot hesitated for a minute. Adam freed one of his wrists and, with that hand, pulled Elliot's chin softly so he'd look at him. Elliot looked into Adam's eyes and just now noticed how close they were, suddently he was too aware of his own body, like a teenager in puberty. His cheeks blushed very softly and Adam, noticing it, smiled a bit. He pulled Elliot closer and soon they were kissing again. Just another soft kiss, like the one they had shared some hours ago before Elliot told his story to Adam. When they pulled themselves apart Adam's hand wasn't on Elliot's wrist anymore, it was just supporting Adam on the ground while his other hand was resting on Elliot's cheek. Elliot realized that Adam was still waiting for an answer and bit the inside of his lip.

-You won't cuff me again? - he whispered.

-No. Well... - Adam grinned. - Not unless you ask me to...

Elliot problably wouldn't have understood that innuendo if it wasn't for the suggestive way Adam was caressing his hip.

-I could kick your balls really hard right now, you know? - Elliot mumbled, blushing more.

-You could, but you won't. - the eldest man smirked.

-How can you be so sure?

-Well, if you did then who'd make you feel really nice at night? - Adam grinned again.

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