Chapter 10 - Amazon Rainforest

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Some hours passed before Elliot woke up. Adam was still asleep beside him and holding him tight against his body and although, usually, Elliot would love that now they were in South America, not in the USA. It was hot. Really hot. Elliot was sweating a lot, all wrapped up like a christmas present on a blanket, with Adam's arms around him. He tried to wriggle away without waking Adam up, when he was finally able to he got rid of the blanket and quickly sat up. The youngest man watched Adam as he slept, now hugging the blanket. He seemed peaceful.

Elliot sighed and looked around until he spotted a bottle of water. He didn't lose a second before starting to drink it, just stopping when it was almost empty. Then, he just sat there staring at nowhere.

He didn't want to think about Nick, but right now he was all that Elliot had on his mind. He closed his eyes and sighed one more time. He still couldn't believe he had killed a teenager because he had freaked out. Even if Adam had tried to make him feel better (it worked a little bit) he still felt very bad. All that he could think about was the exact moment he pulled the trigger. He was reliving that moment over and over again, it was like his mind was torturing him.

When he felt a hand laying on his shoulder he flinched in surprise, opening his eyes wide.

-Hey... - Adam whispered. - It's just me, baby.

Elliot allowed Adam to place his hand on his shoulder and relaxed a bit under his touch.

-Sorry... I was just... distracted... - Elliot mumbled.

-Are you still thinking about it? - Adam asked as he sat beside the british man.

Elliot simply shrugged and looked down at his hands.

-How are you feeling? - the american man asked, again.

-Weird... - Elliot answered. - Bad...

Elliot felt Adam's hand over his and stood still. Adam held his hand but Elliot did no effort to hold it back.

-Do you need to be alone? - Adam proposed, even if he didn't feel like leaving Elliot alone right now would be the best option.

Elliot looked down again and stood quiet. Adam took that as a "yes, I'd like that" and stood up. Elliot watched him through the corner of his eye, noticing that Adam was taking anything that could fire, cut or hurt Elliot in any way with him. He didn't fight against it and just allowed Adam to take everything with him as he walked out of the tent.

He curled up on the floor the moment the tent's zipper was closed and hugged his knees. To be honest he wasn't even sure that he wanted to be alone. He kind of did but he still wished he'd have Adam's arms around him, that was always comforting.

He heard Adam walking around outside and heard him light the fireplace, problably an attempt to cook some meat. A thing that Elliot had given up trying a long, long time ago. He sure wasn't a cook.

He watched Adam's shadow through the tent's thin material as he walked around doing several stuff, until he sat down by the fireplace again. Elliot wondered if he wouldn't be burning, being that near of the fire in this temperature had to be uncomfortable.

After a little bit of watching Adam just sitting by the fireplace he walked out of the tent slowly. Adam imediately looked at him and gave him a little smile. Elliot tried to smile too but he kind of failed miserably. Adam called him to sit by his side and Elliot quickly did. He just now noticed that Adam had some crackers, marshmallows and chocolat on some bags around them.

-Are you doing s'mores? - Elliot asked, whispering.

-Yup. - Adam comfirmed. - Care for one?

-I thought I had eaten all the chocolat yesterday?

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