Chapter 2 - Something

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After getting to the lake Adam cuffed Elliot to a pole near it, as he had suggested, and went closer to the lake. He took off his clothes slowly, aware that Elliot was watching him undress, and went inside.

Elliot watched him silently while he washed himself, he couldn't see much anyway, the water hid Adam's body from the waist down. He waited for Adam to finish cleaning himself and watched him as he got dry and dressed.

-Can you stop staring at me like that? - the eldest man grunted.

-Like what?

-Like that. You're basically drooling.

-Don't be so cocky. I'm just waiting. - Elliot grinned.

Adam rolled his eyes and kneeled down beside Elliot to free him, when he did Elliot took advatage to smell him a bit.

-See? Now it's much better, you don't smell like dog shit anymore.

Adam ignored him and just hummed a bit as he unlocked the cuffs. Elliot just watched him, he realized that there was no use on running away so he just decided it would be better to don't fight too much.

-Can you at least free one of my hands? Like, cuff one of my wrists to one of yours. - Elliot asked.

-Why would I do that?

-Because it's starting to hurt... please?

-Stop being a wuss. - Adam said as he stood up.

-I won't try to run away, I promise.

-I don't care. You will come like that and that's it.

Elliot just grunted as Adam pulled him to stand up.

-You're kind of an asshole, you know? - Elliot mumbled.

Adam ignored him again and pulled him back to their track. They kept walking for some minutes, around half an hour, before Elliot started complainning about his feet hurting. Adam handled it for more 20 minutes before losing his patience.

-Can you shut the fuck up? - he grunted.

-But my feet are hurting! - Elliot pouted.

-So what? Shut up and keep walking.- Adam ordered.

Adam tried to keep walking but not even 2 minutes later Elliot grunted and sat down in the middle of the road.

-What are you doing? - Adam growled impatiently.

-I told you my feet were hurting, I'm not going to walk until they stop hurting. - Elliot spoke calmly, a hint of defiance on his voice.

Adam walked over to him and grabbed him by his collar. Elliot didn't fight, he simply watched as Adam pulled him to his aching feet.

-And I told you I don't care about that, and we'll keep walking. - the eldest man growled again.

Elliot smirked and looked Adam right in the eyes. Adam couldn't say if he was actually confident or just pretending to be, but this guy sure didn't act like the man who stole his gun and that Adam caught at the supermarket. Since Elliot had stopped with his escaping attemps he was acting different, more confident and fearless, but Adam didn't understand why.

-Why are you smirking? - Adam asked after a bit.

-Hmm... nothing. It's just fun to annoy you. You start acting like an alpha male or so.

-An alpha male? Why?

-Because you just have this... need, to show that you're the one in charge. It's just funny. But still, you can't force me to walk so you'll either let me rest or carry me around.

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