Chapter 6 - Old Enough

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The next day Adam woke up with a weird noise coming from the outside. It sounded like steps, at first, but he imagined it was problably just a little animal walking around.

He squeezed Elliot tighter against his body and stroked his hair slowly, smiling with the weak purr the youngest man did.

He stayed there just cuddling Elliot for some minutes until he heard steps again, it sounded like someone was running. He frowned and sat up before covering Elliot with a little blanket. He opened the tent's zipper slowly and very slightly just to peek outside.

His eyes windened when he saw another man wondering around near to their tent. He quickly hid back inside. There was no way the guy hadn't seen their tent, so he had to know that there was someone else in here.

He shook Elliot slightly to wake him up. Elliot whined a bit and hid his face under his own arm to don't wake up.

-Elliot. - Adam whispered. - Wake up, we have company.

Elliot opened his eyes lazily and glared at Adam for waking him up. His sleepy brain still hadn't processed what Adam had said, he thought Adam was just waking him up so they could keep walking.

-Let me sleep. - he whined. - It's too early, I'm tired.

-Elliot, there's someone else in here. - Adam repeated firmly.

Elliot frowned and finally sat up. He crawled over to the tent's zipper and peeked out, just as Adam. When he saw a man standing out there, looking at their tent he quickly hid back in.

-Holy shit, he staring at us. - he whispered.

-Hey! - came a voice from outside. It sounded like a teenager's voice. - Hey, is there someone in there? I'm not armed! Please, I'm alone! - the guy kept calling.

Elliot and Adam heard the guy running, closer and closer to their tent.

-Give me my gun. - the american man whispered to Elliot.

-But he is just a teenager. - Elliot whispered back. - He can't be a real threat...

-We don't know that. - Adam grunted as he stretched his arm to get the gun himself.

When they heard the guy close enough to their tent Adam opened the zipper and pointed the gun out.

The guy was standing there, right in front of them. He was, indeed, a teenager. He couldn't be over 18 years old, Elliot was sure. He had short blonde hair and dark brown eyes, his cheeks were covered in light freckles and he seemed very scared. Elliot could almost bet that under those clothes the boy was skinny but not really muscled, just skinny. Problably even skinnier than Elliot, himself.

-Don't hurt me!! - the teenager pleaded. - I'm not armed, I swear!

-Who are you? What do you want? - Adam asked, his gun always pointing up.

-My name is Nick, I don't to hurt any of you, I'm just lost! And I ran out of food... - the blonde boy said. - Please, please, help me. You can check if I'm armed or anything, all I have is a little razor and it's broken.

-Give me the razor. - Adam demanded.

The boy looked through his pockets and threw the razor to the floor in front of Adam. It was, in fact, broken.

Adam stood up and stepped out of the tent along with Elliot. All that Adam needed to do was a little gesture with his head for Elliot to understand and started to search on the boy's pockets and clothes for hidden weapons, while Adam always pointed the gun at his face.

-He is clean. - Elliot said after finishing.

At last Adam lowered his gun slowly.

-You just want food? - the eldest man asked.

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