Chapter 9 - Baby

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The next day Elliot woke up with Adam's arms around him. He opened his eyes lazily and pulled Adam even closer to burry his face on his chest, to protect it from the early sunbeams.

-Good morning, baby. - Adam whispered when he felt Elliot pulling him closer.

Elliot smiled against his chest and just mumbled what was supposed to be a "good morning" back.

They just made the slight effort to get up a couple of hours later, when Elliot's belly started to grumble with hunger. After eating Adam went back inside the tent to get his gun, which he always carried. Elliot stood by the fireplace relaxing under the sun but his calm moment didn't last long.

-Elliot! - Adam called from inside the tent.

Elliot stood up and quickly went inside as well, alarmed by Adam's worried tone.

-What is it? - the youngest man asked.

-Nick stole a gun from me before he left yesterday... - Adam explained, frowning. - We should leave. I don't know if he even knows how to work with it but we shouldn't stay and risk it.

-Crap... - Elliot sighed. - Okay, yes, we have to go. But where?

-We can't go north, again. Every supermarket is either empty or the food is ruined. We can either go east or south. Which one do you want? - the eldest man asked.

-Let's go south... - Elliot answered after thinking for a moment. - It's getting a bit cold here, south will be warmer.

-Okay. So we should start packing our things. You take care of the food and clothes, I take care of the tent? - he proposed.

-Sure. - Elliot agreed.

They both started doing their choores, Elliot packed their clothes and all the food that they still could eat while Adam packed their tent. It didn't take long until everything was ready for them to leave.


Some Weeks Later

Several weeks passed without any problems. Elliot and Adam kept going south, passing through several states of the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Panama and finally they reached Colombia. They decided they wanted to go to the Amazon Rainforest (although they were already on what should be considered it's territory they wanted to go deeper, not in some city, just actual forest), there wasn't really a reason but they both really liked nature and wanted to spend some time there, just to see how things would go. Now, they just needed to pass through some states of Brazil, maybe take a little rest for a couple of days, and very soon they'd reach their destiny.

They were on some little city on Colombia, almost passing the border to Brazil, when Elliot started to feel weird. They unpacked their tent and got everything ready to spend the night, until there everything was fine. They lied down togheter and snuggled each other, nothing abnormal until there either, but somewhen in the middle of the night Elliot woke up with a bad feeling. Adam was still calmly asleep beside him and holding him close but Elliot couldn't fall asleep again. He pulled away from Adam's arms carefully to don't wake him up and walked out of the tent.

The night was creepy, around here. They usually heard a lot of weird sounds coming from outside when they were in the tent and they just thought they were very lucky to have never been attacked by an angry wolf or a starving bear. Elliot walked over to behind a tree and undid his fly, he thought that maybe he'd be able to sleep if he emptied his bladder. He did what he needed to, when he was done he tucked everything back in and was ready to go back to the tent when he heard some leaves cracking behind him. He jumped slightly and looked around. It was too dark for him to see anything other than trees but that didn't make him any less scared. All he could hear were some owls on top of the trees, which didn't make any of this less creepy. He walked back to the tent slowly always looking at the forest, the last thing he wanted was to turn his back to it and be attacked.

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