Chapter 7 - Special To Me

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The next day Adam was totally awake by 6am. Nick was naked by his side, sleeping peacefully and snuggling on him. The eldest man pushed him away a bit rougher than he problably should have but he felt mad. He didn't know if he was mad at Elliot, Nick or even himself, he just knew that what had happened last night had been a big mistake. There was no doubt about that.

He sat up and dressed all of his clothes again before walking out of the tent. The sun was still rising, it was a bit colder than normal but the air was fresh. It felt kind of nice.

He looked around to their little camp. They didn't have plans to keep on walking for now, they were fine in here. The supermarkets were full, it wasn't too hot but neither too cold, it was the perfect place to stay while they wondered what they should do next.

Adam got out of his little, sleepy thoughts and looked around again, this time actually paying attention to what he saw. Suddently he realized: Elliot wasn't there. He wasn't in the tent neither by the fire pit, nor anywhere else.

-Elliot? - he called. He couldn't help but sound a bit hesitant. Elliot hadn't come back since he had left to get more supplies, after their fight. If something had happened to him Adam would freak out.

His heart started pounding a bit faster when he got no answer. He walked around their camp trying to find anything that could tell him that Elliot was back, or had been back, at least. He looked around for a while until he found Elliot's knife. He kneeled down to pick it up and his breath got caught in his throat when he noticed that there was blood on the knife. On that moment several awful scenarios went through his head, all the things that could have happened to Elliot...

-Elliot?! - he called again, hoping he would get any kind of answer. - Elliot!

After looking around for a longer time, all of this while Nick was still asleep on the tent, he found nothing else except some footprints on the dirt. He felt a kind of relief when he realized that those were Elliot's and only Elliot's, so he was problably alone and no one had attacked him. The footprints stopped a few metters south, on a road.

Adam wondered why Elliot would have come back and gone away all without warning anyone. He sat down by the road and examined the footprints a little more carefully.

"They're from yesterday afternoon... it's too visible to be from the time Elliot left but too blurry to be from 2 or 3 hours ago..." - he thought.

He did a little mental math and realized: Elliot had left around 12pm and hadn't come back until 5pm. That was the time he and Nick started to make out and Elliot didn't come back after it. Then, they had sex and by 7pm they were both asleep.

"That could only mean one thing" - Adam thought - "He was jealous yesterday and he wasn't talking to me, he didn't let me cuddle him on the tent either and suddently he goes missing after I sleep with Nick? He must have seen us..."

-Shit. - he mumbled, outloud.

The american man quickly ran back to their camp, where Nick was already awake and snacking something.

-Goodmorning. - Nick greeted with a flirty smile when he saw Adam.

-Mhm. - Adam answered. - We need to go look for Elliot, quick.

-Why? What happened? - Nick asked.

Now even Adam could sense the fake worried tone on his voice, it was obvious that Nick didn't care about what could have happened with Elliot but he ignored it.

-He is missing since yesterday afternoon. - Adam answered, again, and placed his backpack with the gun and some food on his shoulders. - He didn't come back yesterday night. Let's go! - he ordered as he left the camp.

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