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A/N hey this is my own fanart, mostly, I got the outline from the internet, enjoy the chapter.
*a few months after the map*
Sirius paced the Room of requirement.
He was going to do it.
But how?
How do you ask one of your best friends out?
It needed to be perfect, as perfect as Remus.
But how?
He needed help.
But from who?
James was hopeless at love, pick up lines definitely wouldn't work on Remus, and Peter was too oblivious.
Suddenly a ghost appeared in the room, she was rather lanky and had purple hair, that currently matched Snivellous'.
"Hiya" she said "I'm Amethyst".
"Hi" said Sirius, confused "I'm Sirius, formerly Black"
"Oooh, we're related then, I'm Amethyst also formerly Black, I've heard of you, I'm your Cousin" she announced.
"No offence but I've never heard of a Cousin called Amethyst" said Sirius.
"Oh of course you haven't, in the noble and most ancient house of Black," she said sarcastically, "I'm know as Aster, another star name" explained Amethyst

"Now Aster I've heard of" smiled Sirius, "you're the one who was disowned for... is it ok to say that?" Asked Sirius
"I'll save you the trouble, being a blood traitor, then werewolf, Hufflepuff and transgender" said Amethyst.

"I didn't know the last one" said Sirius quietly "what a stupid reason to be disowned".
"What about you Sirius" Amethyst asked still smiling, her disownment clearly didn't bother her.
"Being blood traitor, best friends with a werewolf, Gryffindor and Gay" he said rolling his eyes.
"That's a stupid reason to be disowned as well" said Amethyst her hair turning blue.
"Woah" exclaimed Sirius

"Oh yeah, I'm a metamorphagus too" she explained.

"Is it ok to ask..." Sirius trailed off

"How I died?" Amethyst finished,

"it's fine, well, it's a bit of a tale, basically, after I became a werewolf, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I was disowned, so I thought, if I'm gonna be disowned, it may aswell be for more reasons, so I finally came out as trans in fifth year, was disowned, as I knew I would be, and life was cool, I stayed at my best friend Kymara's place cause she's an ally girl, but one day back at Hogwarts, one of my siblings decided to that I was just too much of a disgrace and they put silver infused werewolf poison in my butterbeer, and I died, my sibling is still in Azkaban though" Amethyst explained, her hair turning blue every now and then.

"That's horrible Amethyst, no werewolf should have to go through that" said Sirius.

"Enough about me, why did the room call me here" Amethyst asked.
"So I need advice on how to ask my male, werewolf best friend out" Sirius explained.
"No wonder the room called me, I  know heaps about this stuff Sirius" Said Amethyst
So together the Cousins devised a plan.

Hi guys, so I really want to make this book diverse, so I've included a transgender character, I know J.k. Rowling has said some anti trans things before, but just remember
Being different isn't a bad thing, it just means you're brave enough to be yourself
- Luna Lovegood

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