Lily the Marauder Part 2

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Hi guys, I wanted to add more to the last chapter, but not make the chapter too long, so here's part 2, and some of my fanart (mostly, again I got the outline off the internet)
Lily didn't focus on her prefect patrol duty after the incident with James, she was too flustered. She couldn't like James, wouldn't she rather date the Giant Squid?
No, you only hated James the show off, this James is nice and cute...
But he's James, he's a Marauder and one of my best friends
But he was always cute, and now he's pulled his head out of his arse...
James was never cute, he was an arrogant toe rag
Suit yourself
You are myself
*the boys' dormitory after the feast*
All five Marauders sat in the dormitory, just chatting until James said
"We need to hold a ceremony"
"What for" asked Remus
"For Fawn" said James
Lily was delighted, a whole initiation ceremony for her.
The boys made her leave the room while they set it up.
When Lily returned the room had been decorated with Lily flowers and gold ribbons, much like the one she was wearing now.
Then James said "Lily Evans, do you solemnly swear that you are up to no good" in a deep voice
Lily held her left hand up and said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"
"Then I pronounce you, Fawn, the fifth Marauder" James concluded.

The five of them all burst out laughing, this was ridiculous, but still a special moment for Lily.
Then Remus brought out The Marauder's Map.
"We need to add Mses Fawn" he explained
"I get to be on the map too, this is bloody brilliant" Lily squealed, delighted.
"Thank James, it was his idea to make you a real Marauder" said Sirius
Lily nearly nocked James over as she ran to hug him.
*room of requirement, a few days after the ceremony*
"Hey Amethyst, Lily said a Pick up line to me" James told Amethyst.
"Holy s***, really, serious or sarcastic" Amy asked (Amy is Amethyst's nickname)

"Well I said to her that she was the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world, and she said ,no wonder the sky's grey all the colour's in your eyes, and then clapped her hands over her mouth" James explained

"I think Fawn might have a crush on Prongs" said Amethyst, her hair turning bright pink with excitement.
"There's no way, she said last year that she rather date the Giant Squid than me" said James

"But you grew up James, you're no longer an arrogant toe rag, you're a young man" Amy argued

"She hugged me too" said James
"That could've been a Thankyou hug, girls do that a lot" Amethyst explained
"Ok, but why" James asked
"We live displaying our friendship with our actions" Amethyst explained
"Boys don't display our friendship that much" said James
"I know" said Amethyst, wisely.

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