A Wedding or Two

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It was a bright summer day when James got down on one knee, being only a year out of Hogwarts he knew that he was probably rushing, but there was a war going on and who knows what day might be your last.
The Marauders, aside from Peter, who was apparently busy, not that it matters, were having a picnic in their shared backyard.
After dessert James got down on one knee infront of Lily and said
"Lily Evans, I have loved you since I first saw you on the Hogwarts Express eight years ago,  will you make me the happiest Stag alive and marry me?"
"Of course Prongs" she said, tears in her beautiful green eyes.
*a week later*
The Marauders were at the beach, because it would soon be unsafe to keep going.
After they got back from the water Sirius knelt down infront of Remus
"Remus John Lupin, I've loved you since, probably second year but never actually realised, will you make me the happiest puppy alive and marry me" he asked and turned into padfoot
"Not in public you git, and of course I'll marry you Sirius"
The four decided to share their wedding, because they would be inviting the same people anyway and it was probably safer to only hold one event, and they had it at the Potter mansion.
All four cried out of pure happiness it was the best day of their lives and then it got even happier, when Lily announced to the Marauders that she was pregnant with a son.
The boy was born on the 31st of July, 1980 and he was named Harry. He looked so incredibly like his father, except for his eyes, he had Lily's eyes.
The Marauders had so much fun with him, Although he seemed to have a favourite, Moony.
His first words were Fawn, Pong (wich was supposed to be Prongs) and Moony.
When Harry was especially sad he would always shout the mansion down until he was in Moony's arms, and the Marauders apart from Peter, who Harry, for some reason never really liked, were all very good with him.
One sad day the Potter grandparents passed away, no-one was particularly surprised  as they both had dragon pox, but it was still very sad.
One day Padfoot had an idea

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