✨7. Are you stalking me now?✨

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I walked into my Aunt's house and headed straight to the kitchen. She makes the best brownies ever and she always know when I'm coming, because when I stepped into the kitchen there was a plate of brownies just sitting there. Our Aunt M is a great witch who can also see glimpse of the future. So I was wondering if maybe she could help with all that's going on.

I trusted our Aunt soooo much, our sister's barely come around but I'm here nearly everyday. She always knows what to do and the best thing about it, is that she never tells my mom our business.

"I knew you would be here stuffing your face." She pinches my cheeks as she makes her way to the sink to wash the dishes. "I know your not here just to eat my brownies so, out with it."

"Well for starters, Matt just died." She quickly turns towards me with a shock impression.

"Seriously!?" She shouted and I nod my head as I eat a brownie. "Well, what happened?" She turned back around to continue the dishes.

"Well, that brings us to problem number two. The Mikaelsons." She broke a glass cup as that name left my mouth. She stood there in silence for what seemed like forever. "Aunt M? Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes I'm fine. Just had a little um, accident. Continue." She cleans up her mess and I watch her every move as I eat another brownie.

"Okay...well it seems my sister's and I use to know them and well, I guess we all use to date them. Every since they came to town a lots been happening." I'm starting to think that Vicki was wrong, maybe it's one of the Mikaelsons behind all of this. I had a point, all of this started once the Mikaelsons came to town and the way Finn killed Matt, I doubt that they didn't kill Vicki.

"Like what sweetheart?"

"It all started with these dreams or inner thought moments. I would pass out and then I would see an evil version of me, I call her Dark Emily." I explained to my aunt and all she did was nod her head while she was facing away from me. "Um, and then there's this lady or someone after me who clearly is behind everything that's happening and I think it's Esther Mikaelson." She turns around to face me and it's like there was no one there. She was just staring at me with those icy blue eyes and it scared the crap out of me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She stared at me more then I snap my fingers in her face and she snaps out of her head. "Oh right, sorry. So um, you think it's Esther?"

"I have no clue, nothing will become clear to me until I have all my memories back." I walk over to the fridge and she looks at me confused.

"Memories? What memories?"

"Did you know that my sister's and I had our memories wiped?" She gasped and I look at her. "Aunt M, do you know something that I don't?"

"If I did you would know trust me." She wrapped the brownies up and places them in my bag. "Now go, your father and sister's are probably waiting." She hands me my bag and starts to push me towards the door.

"But, what about all of my problems?" She turns me to face her, then she kiss my forehead.

"Beware of those Mikaelsons, if all problems started when they arrived then you should probably stay away but, if these memories are all good then stick around them. I'm sure if you remember, then all of your problems will start to come together. As for evil Emily, I have no idea." She pushes my out the door. "Now goodnight sweetheart. " She slams the door in my face and I jump at the sound.

Well that was extremely rude, I wonder what was that all about. I also wonder, what does she know and why won't she tell me. I thought me and Aunt M told each other every thing, I guess I was wrong, but at the same time if she's not telling me then it's probably just to keep me safe. At least that's how I see it.

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