✨9. You did what✨ *Damon Smut*

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⚠️*Smut Content Ahead if you don't want to read, Skip. I will Give another Warning when it's about to start.* ⚠️

After dropping off my sister's I sped over to the Salvatore house. I need to be fucked, I don't care which brother it is. If I'm really lucky then I could get both tonight. I made sure I took a good shower, didn't really wanna come here smelling like the Mikaelsons.

Once I get here I rush inside, I didn't see neither one yet so I rushed into the first upcoming room which was Stefan. I frowned when I search the room and he wasn't here so I went into the next room, which was Damon. He walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was drying his hair when out of no where I pushed him back on the bed.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked as I straddle his lap.

"Emily, can you please stop." He sat up as I sat on his lap. "I was just feeling bad about Matt."

"Lies, you hated Matt." I begin to remove my sweater. "Look, Damon it's been a long day and honestly I just want to feel you inside of me." I start to slowly grind my hips into his.

"Emily." He groaned out as I continue. "Let's just go to bed, your right it has been a very long day and I'm tired."

"Damon you didn't do anything all day but ignore me and drink bourbon at the grill with Ric."

"I'm just tired, let's not do this right now alright?"

"Damon I haven't had sex in a week. When have you ever denied me my rights?" I groaned and put back on my sweater as I get off of him. "But fine, I won't force you." I begin to leave but he grabs my waist.

⚠️*Smut Ahead*⚠️

"I'm sorry." He kisses my neck and pulls me back to bed. I straddle his lap once again and he removes my sweater and shirt. I undo my bra and throw it across the room. He cups my boobs in his hands squeezing lightly. "I love you Emily." He moaned, as he pinch and pulls at my nipples.

He slowly starts to feel down my body leaving kisses down my neck. "Maybe we should take off all these clothes." He nodded and I get off his lap, we both start to undress and he then sits back in the same spot. I get on my knees and run my tongue up and down the length of his dick. My tongue swirled around the tip before I started sucking hard at the top.

He moaned when I hollowed my cheeks and began to suck harder. He tangled his fingers in my hair. "Fuck yes Emily, just like that." I look up at him. His eyes are glued shut and his head is thrown back. I groaned around him which caused him to grip my hair tighter. "Such a good girl." He moaned and gathered all of my hair in his fist to make a ponytail.

Before he could cum, he quickly pulls out. I wipe my mouth and hovered over his long, hard dick. "Fuck me Damon." I wanted to stare into those beautiful blue yes but he never looked at me.

He took his length and positioned it at my entrance. He rubbed the tip slowly along my clit. I moaned softly, he was most definitely hesitating as if he no longer wanted to do this. "Damon we can stop if you want."

"It's fine baby." He slowly slides it in and I place my hands on his shoulders. My hips met his as he filled me entirely. He pulled me up then slammed me back down. His gazed traveled to where our two bodies were connected and slowed his pace. His grip on my waist loosened as he stared off into space.

"Come on baby harder." I groaned out. He gripped my hips again and pounded his dick into my pussy repeatedly. I moaned loudly loving every stroke. He grunt each time as I begin to start bouncing on his dick . I clench my muscles around him.

"Shit, Your so tight Emily." He growls as I continue to bounce on his dick, I start to feel a knot form in my stomach. He keeps one hand on my hips and add the other on my boob. With one last Bounce he
threw his head back and he came inside of me.

I stop and just stare at him, this isn't Damon. I mean of course it's him but, Damon is not this weak in bed. And he always let me cum before him.

"What's your problem? Why didn't you look at me?" I asked and he still refuses to do so.

"I was Emily, and there is no problem."

"No you weren't, so that tells me that there is a problem."

"Why the hell does it even matter?"

"I love you Damon, that's why. I want to be able to have sex with my boyfriend and look him in the eyes as we make love to each other." He didn't respond, he just laid there with his eyes closed. "Fine, just fine." I get off him and begin to put back on my clothes.

As I search for my shirt and sweater he grabs my arm. "I'm sorry."

I turn to face him and he had a guilty look on his face. "Why?"

"I cheated on you." I stood there completely shocked. Not to long ago I thought to myself that Damon and Stefan would never to that to me and yet here we are. This is Damon second time cheating on me."Emily please say something."

"You did what!?" I shouted at the Salvatore with tears in my eyes. "Damon how could you do this to me again!?"

He started to put back on his clothes as I begin to look for mines so that I could leave. "Emily I never meant to hurt you okay, it was a moment that I wish I can take back."

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled as Stefan rushed in.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked as he held me in his arms.

"Stay out of this little brother." Damon snapped and I slapped him across his face.

"Do not talk to him that way! You screwed up Damon again, not him!" I put on my shirt and sweater and began to leave.

"EMILY IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING!" He yelled as I turned back towards him.

"BULL SHIT DAMON! IF IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER DONE IT! Here I am receiving all these memories every single day about two guys I use to be madly in love with. I'm trying my best to push these feelings away but how can I when my own boyfriend CAN'T KEEP HIS DICK IN HIS PANTS!!!!" I was trying my best to choose Damon and Stefan over Elijah and Klaus but it was hard, I started to understand what they meant when they said we were in love. Our love was so much more than what I have with the Salvatores, and if they aka Damon keep this up I'll choose the Mikaelsons.

"What can I do to make it up to?" He walked closer but I walked back and Stefan stood in front of me. "Get the hell out of my way."

"Or what?" Damon takes Stefan and throws him across the room. Stefan gets up and uses his vamp strength to punch Damon and he flies into the wall.

"STOP IT! Poena Doloris!" They both fall to
The ground holding their heads. I began to sob out and fall to my knees. I stop the spell and Stefan rushes over to me. "I can't believe you did this to me."

"I will make this right okay, she didn't mean anything to me Emily I swear. I will always want you, when I was with her I couldn't think. I was drunk and horny and you are always with your sister's! We don't spend time together like we use to, look I'm sorry okay please let's just try to fix this." Damon pleaded but I only had one question.

"Who was she?" I mumbled out and he goes absolutely silent. "Damnit Damon, WHO WAS SHE!"

"Elenor Gilbert."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Stefan get me out of here before I kill him." Stefan wraps his arm around me then brings me home. He stayed with me and I cried on his chest the entire night. Whoever this woman is her plan is working. My life is completely falling apart, and I have no idea what to do.

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