✨10. Us girls will always stick together✨

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I laid in bed feeling sick to my stomach. I didn't pressure him to have sex with me, I told him he could stop and that we didn't have to, but he insisted we kept going. How could he do that knowing that he had just cheated on me. I loved Damon, I was happy and I known that nothing could ever change that between us. But he crossed the line, and I never wanna see him again.

"Hey, I bought you some tea." Stefan says as he enters my room. I stay laying in my position with my back turned towards the door. "Em?"

I sniffle and turn towards him, my hair was in a messy bun and my eyes were red and puffy. "Thanks." I take the cup and take only a sip. "Where's my sister's?"

He takes the cup from me and places it on a nearby table, knowing that I didn't really want it. "They're literally waiting right outside the door." He cuddles with me and I lay my head on his chest. "Look, I'm sorry about what Damon did to you. I just want you to know that no matter what I'll never hurt you like that, and I'll always be here by your side."

I began to cry again and Stefan olds me tighter. My sister's then rush into the room. "Okay Stefan we can handle it from here." Amaria says as she lay besides me.

I then turn over to lay on her lap as she sits up on the headboard. "I'll come check on you later." He kisses my forehead and I nod. Stefan leaves out the room and Katherine and Tatiana lay in my bed as well.

"Maybe you should get out of bed, I know Damon hurt you but at least you have Stefan." Tatiana states as she rubs my back.

"Yea, but at the end of the day us girls will always stick together." Amaria states, then that's when it happened another memory rushing towards the surface. I hold my head and scream out in pain. My nose begin to bleed.

"Here it goes agai-" Katherine couldn't finish because all of my sister's just freeze, as if they were remembering something. I continue to scream out in pain and begin to mumble the words I remember.

~New Memory Unlocked~

I had just picked some delicious berries from our neighbors berry bush. They always let me and my family come to get whatever we needed. The only person who hated that was their daughter, Mary-Kate.

Mary-Kate has always been jealous of us, she even tried to break me and my sister's apart by starting lies. She hated me the most, only because I'm dating the guy she always wanted. She was absolutely obsessed with Niklaus, but he already proved that he wants absolutely nothing to do with her.

I happily waved at everyone as I passed through our village. I was on my way to Niklaus cottage for our date. When I got there I knocked, but there was no answer. I knocked again and still nothing, since I'm so close with the family, I decided to let myself in. "Niklaus!?" I shouted through the cottage but no answer.

I continue to walk through the cottage, as I do I hear moaning and groaning coming from the back room. I slowly push the door open and I drop my picnic basket to the floor. I gasp in shock as I see Niklaus kissing and fucking Mary-Kate....that girl he wanted nothing to do with.

"Niklaus..." I mumbled as tears begin to fall from my eyes.

"Oh god, Emily... I- I can explain..." He quickly places Mary-Kate to the side, when I look over towards her she smiled wickedly.

"Let her watch Nik, I want you back inside of me." My blood start to boil the longer I stare at the tramp. I'm not usually the type to always get mad, but when it comes to someone I love, I wouldn't think twice about hurting someone else.

I run out of the room. I was filled with so many emotions right now. How could one of the men that I grew to love, do this to me. "Emily please!" Niklaus called behind me as I ran off to the kitchen.

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