Pandemic Love- Almer

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"God, you're hilarious!" Elmer laughed at the guy he's been talking to recently. "That was the best laugh I've had in years."

"Well, we'll just have to fix that", the guy responded, a smirk present on his lips. "I want you to laugh like that everyday. It's cute."

Elmer flushed, and rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. He turned his head away from the screen, listening to the redhead's chuckle. "You're such a flirt."

Albert smiled. "Only for a certain brown eyed boy with brown hair and freckles." Albert pretended to look around for something until he got back to the screen. "Oh, hey, that's you."

Elmer blushed and giggled, covering his smile. The boy on the other side of the screen pouted and furrowed his brows. "Hey, don't hide that beautiful smile. I wanna see it!"

Elmer guessed he looked like a strawberry by now, as the really hot boy with red hair kept making him blush with every syllable he said. Elmer felt his face, noting that his assumptions were correct.

"I'm really happy you decided to talk to me", Albert smiled brightly. "For all you knew, I could've been some weird old man looking forward to neutering 20 year olds."

Elmer laughed and shook his head. "What does that even mean?"

"I don't know, but I said it."

Elmer giggled, and shook his head. He saw Albert had a bit of blush on his cheeks now, causing him to smirk a bit, thinking about the ways Romeo taught him to flirt.

"You know", Elmer started, "if I could only see your eyes a thousand miles away, it wouldn't bother me much. It just means their like the ocean."

Albert tucked in his lips, trying to conceal the smile appearing on his face. "My eyes are brown."


Albert laughed and laughed at his new friends attempt at flirting, which caused Elmer to flush and groan.

They talked about anything and everything, being careful not to share to much information, even though they felt this compulsive need to do so. It was like natural instinct, but they were still in an unfamiliar environment.

The two boys kept their conversation going until early morning, when Elmer fell asleep and Albert's phone died.



BedhedRedhed: you can't expect me to believe that.

                                 525,600: well i did🤷🏻

BedhedRedhed: I'm having trouble believing, that you, the sweetest person on earth, threw a ball at your brothers face

500,250,600:  well you better believe it😤he was very hurt afterwards

BedhedRedhed: you couldn't hurt anyone, babe

Elmer giggled at his phone, lying on his stomach on his bed. He fails to notice his brother looking over at him, a small smile quirked on his lips.

"What's got you giggling now, Elm?" Spot asked, chuckling when he saw Elmer's blush grow on his face. "Is it a pretty girl?"

"A boy, actually", Elmer smiles, turning back to his phone. "But he is pretty."

Spot chuckled and got off of his bed and climbed on to his little brother's. "Tell me!"

Elmer began to rant on and on about his new friend, Albert. He had to dodge some questions, and admit he didn't know the answer to other ones, but it was clear he was absolutely mesmerized by the kid, and Spot could see that.

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