The Perfect Present pt.2- Javid

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"Wake up, you piece of hot soup!" Jack exclaimed, bubbling into his boyfriend's apartment. "It's your birthday!"

Davey groaned, facing the opposite direction from the door as he slept on the couch. He and Jack watched movies the night before, going on to 3 A.M. Of course, Davey was very affected by this the next morning, but Jack couldn't say the same. He doesn't sleep anyway.

Not that he would tell Davey that.

"C'mon, man", Jack groaned. "It's your turn to get spoiled for 30 days, and I've decided to do something today."

Davey sat up. "One, I'm not your "man", Jack gave Davey a look. "Okay, well, I am, but- you get what I mean!"

Jack laughed as Davey continued. "Two, you really don't have to do that."

"Yeah, well, I do, so", Jack shrugged, smiling when Davey rolled his eyes. "Now get dressed! We have an entire day filled with a combination of things you love to do."

Davey rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the hallway to his room. He sighed and spoke under his breath. "I don't deserve this."

"I heard that!" Jack shouted, his legs crossed as he read a magazine on the couch.

Davey chuckled and walked into his room, thinking about what to where for the day.


"So where to first, my magnificent, Dave of Spades?" Jack swung their hands softly as the two of them walked on the sidewalk. Their path was clearer than on Jack's birthday, as most people were already at work if nothing on their way. It was almost as if the world knew how important today is.

"Dave of Spades?" Davey chuckled, shaking his head. "That's a new one."

"It's like saying, "Ace of Spades", but you're name is David- no matter how much I think Davey suits you far better- so, I remixed it." Jack smiled at his cleverness as Davey rolled his eyes.

"At least my name isn't Francis."

Jack gasped dramatically and hit the taller's shoulder. "Hey! We don't speak on that name."

Davey laughed. "You know, I feel like you're more excited about my birthday than I am."

"Well, one of us has to be", Jack shrugged. He took his phone out and smiled at it. "C'mon, we have about three hours."

"Until?" Davey raised an eyebrow as Jack gave him a knowing look. "You're not going to tell me?"

"When have I ever spoiled a surprise?" Jack watched as Davey thought about it. "Exactly. Now, let's get going!"

They continued to walk down the street, Davey quietly recognizing the street. Jack was still swinging their hands, as he got mesmerized by the scene he's seen so many times. They stopped at a familiar coffee shop, walking in and immediately loving the smell.


Jack shrugged. "Well, of course. It was the first place we, you know," Jack blushed, "uh, went on a date. It's's like a part of our history."

Davey smiled, grabbing Jack's hand and finding a place to sit. "Well, let's make a new part of it."

They stayed for about an hour, completely ignoring the world around them. The barista even had to remind them that they had to order something or leave- which just incited an argument on who was going to pay. Eventually, Jack won (with a small promise to let Davey spoil him next month during Christmas) and they walked out of the coffee shop, cups in hand.

"Alright", Jack sighed looking down at his watch. "We've got exactly two hours left. What would you like to do, David?"

Davey smirked mischievously. "Go home, get under the covers, and take a nap for five hours."

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