The Adventures of Asking Out Your Crush- LesxBooks

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Les was wide awake at 6:55 AM, packing the stuff on his desk back into his backpack where it belonged.

He put his shoes on roughly and looked into the mirror, ruffling his hair a bit to make it messy.

"Les, let's go!" His brother, Davey, shouted. Les envisioned him looking at a watch. "We're gonna be late!"

Les rushed out of his room and towards the door, where his older brother stood. "Are you ready?"

"Yep", Les nodded, rushing out of the door and to the car. "As ready as...a horse."

"O...kay", Davey chuckled, getting into the car and turning on the engine. He looked at Les- who sat beside him in the passenger seat because he was a big boy- with an amused smile on his face. "Big day?"

"The biggest", Les responded, facing forward with a smile on his face.


"Science test, Algebra review, ASL, lunch, US History video, ask out Books during passing period, Art-"

"I'm sorry", Davey interrupted. "Ask out who?"

Les panicked. "No one."

"Nope. Tell me, or I call Sarah."

"What would she-"

"She'll steal your shoes."

Les gasped. "No!"

"So tell me."

"Fine!" Les huffed, kicking his backpack. "I've had a crush on this guy from my History class named Books, and I plan to ask him out."

"Okay", Davey nodded, glancing at his little brother. "Ask him out to where?"

"The nicest place I can afford", Les sighed dreamily.

"Right, so, Wendy's-"

Les glared at his brother. "No, not Wendy's. I was thinking Morgan's."

"Alright", Davey nodded. "At least you have class."

Les rolled his eyes and smiled. Nothing can possibly go wrong. He's going to meet Books during passing period, ask him out at his lockers, and then-

"What if he says no?"

Les stops smiling looking out the window. "Well, there goes that."

"There goes what?" Davey looked out the window, trying to find something.

"My confidence!"

Davey rolled his eyes and pulled into the front of the school. "Oh, look, we're here."

Les stayed in the car for a few more seconds, mindlessly playing with the fidget cube in his pocket.

You've got this. Everything is going to be fine. Let's do this.

"Why are you muttering to yourself?"

"Bye, David!" Les got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the school, awaiting the day ahead of him.


Les waited behind a wall after fourth period, taking deep breaths as he looked at Books from afar. It wasn't as creepy as it sounded, at least that's what Les hoped.

He took a deep breath and started to walk towards Books locker. He was really about to do this. He was going to ask his crush out on a da-

The bell rang, and suddenly everyone in the hallway was rushing to their respective classes for fifth period.

I knew I should've slipped him a note during fifth period, Les thought as he ran to Art class, hoping he didn't get stopped by a teacher.


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