"That's a Really Bad Joke and You Know It."- IkeShot

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Hotshot slid into the living room, where his boyfriend, Ike, was reading a book. He leaned over from behind the couch, right next to Ike's ear. "Hey", he whispered.

"Hello", Ike smiles, a brow raised. "Can I help you?"

Hotshot jumped onto the couch, right next to Ike. "I have a question."

Ike closed his book, staring at his boyfriend. "So?"

Hotshot cleared his throat. "What do peppers do when they get mad?"

Ike rolled his eyes, deciding to play along. "I don't know. What do peppers do when they get mad?"

Hotshot got closer to the older's face, squinting his eyes. "They get jalapeño face."

Ike sat with a straight face as Hotshot laughed, clutching his stomach. "That was a bad joke, and you know it."

Hotshot, gasping for air, wiped a tear from his eye. "But it was so undoubtedly hilarious."

Ike rolled his eyes, resting the side of his face in his palm, his elbow propped up onto the couch. "I could come up with a better joke than that."

Hotshot stopped laughing, looking at Ike challengingly. "You're on."


I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger huehuehue

Either way, here's a joke Ike would've said: "Why was 2019 afraid of 2020?"

*Skinny, in the distance* "Why?"

"Because they had a fight and 2021."

What's your favorite dad joke?

🐣Brett the Beef Master

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