Imaginary Dates- Les x Books

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Okay, so, context: Books is an OC of mine and he has a MASSIVE crush on Les, but both of them are too oblivious to see it.
Books is 14 and Les is still 13 (they are both in eight grade, don't worry) and are almost completely the same person.
I'm not going to add kissing and stuff bc of their age, and this will probably be short bc dating in middle school is really simple, but here's this. Thank you.

Snipeshooter, Boots, and Books were best friends. Every week, they had meetings to catch up on the week since they didn't have many classes together. They did this every Saturday when everyone had the day off, and often went to someone's house.

This week, they were at Snipeshooter's.

"What about you, Books?" Snipe smirked, trying not to giggle. "Any crushes from school?"

"Come on, dude", Boots smirked and tried not laugh. "You know his boyfriend is Les."

"He's not my boyfriend", Books denies, confused. "I've only ever spoken to him."

"But you talk about him all the time", Boots presses, confused. "I could've sworn you were together."

"We are together", Books admits, getting confused looks from his friends. "But only in my mind because I'm too shy to make a move."

Boots facepalms as Snipeshooter shakes his head, listening to their youngest friend continue. "If he were to date someone else- say, Sally, or someone- he'd be cheating and I'd be heartbroken."

Boots and Snipeshooter looked behind him, seeing a smirking 13 year old.

"Then let's be together outside of your mind", he says, causing Books to turn around. The older feels his face become taken over with blush.


"You heard me."

Boots and Snipeshooter snicker quietly, watching the scene unfold.

"How are you even here?" Books stands up from his place on the floor, walking over to the younger, yet taller boy. "I didn't know you knew where Race lived."

"I don't", Les chuckles, looking Books in the eyes. "But my brother does? He came to visit the guys...and Jack."

They laughed, not seeing Snipeshooter and Boots eat the popcorn that mysteriously showed up.

After their laughter died down, they were left both blushing, avoiding eye contact. This was awkward. All the other times they spoke hadn't been like this; it was easy. But now they knew they liked each other, and had no idea what to do.

"So", Les cleared his throat, glancing at Books. "We can't exactly go on a date because neither of us can drive..."

Books laughs softly, blushing a bit more. He left Les to continue. "But would you go out with me?"

Books smiles and hugs Les, smiling happily. "Sure."

Les smiles and hugs back tightly, happy his crush likes him back.

"I would cheer, but I honestly saw this coming."

The two of them rolled their eyes and threw pillows at Snipeshooter, who protected himself with the popcorn. They turned to Boots, already aiming at him.

Boots held his hands up in surrender. "All I have to say is finally, and congratulations."

They laughed and Books pulled Les with him to the floor, sitting with his friends. Today could honestly be considered the best day of his life, but he was saving the slot for a certain day in the future.


Okayyyyy, glad I got this done.

I'm not going to write much with Les and Books bc they're so young and most of the time they would just be hanging out bc they're too young, if you get what I'm saying.

But this was fun to write lol

There will be more of them in this new story I'm writing, and it will be mostly wholesome.

Side note: No, they have not revealed their new relationship to Albert or Davey, nor the fact they like each other. That will be interesting.


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