Aura- Javid, Spralbert, Specs

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Brown is dependability and honesty.

Albert- Copper Brown
Race- Russian Violet
Spot- Crimson Red
Jack- Golden Gate Orange
Davey- Honey Yellow

Also, 👾 this is Pete. Say hi.

Every person has a soulmate. Someone who's perfect for them- made for them.

Someone with a soulmate has one color they can see. The rest of the world is blind to different colors, only seeing gray to replace the void of red, yellow, green, blue, and purple, each of them a different shade.

Luckily, when you find your soulmate, your world is immediately filled with every color imaginable.

The only problem is, Spot can see two colors.

He constantly looked around him, seeing brown and purple, two very different colors that go together so well.

Spot navigated his world with those two colors, pretending he saw red. He often wondered what his soulmates were doing, and why he belonged to them.


Albert DaSilva always wore sunglasses. He never told anyone what colors he saw. Hell, he didn't have friends.

He stayed to himself, afraid if he met his soulmate, they would be disgusted with him for seeing purple and red. So, he barely left his house.

At the moment, he was walking down the street, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket. He kept his head down, not wanting to make eye contact and risk a soulmate connection.

To be honest, Albert was happy with his mostly gray world. He didn't want to have a world where he's left seeing a rainbow, but he could never be happy.


"I'm so excited, Davey", Racetrack Higgins tells one of his best friends. "Today might be the day I meet my soulmates."

"You say that everyday, Race", Davey says, closing his book. "How can you be so optimistic?"

"Says someone who's aura is yellow", Race smirks. He grabs his favorite flannel shirt- greens, blues, and yellows rush through it- and tied it around his waist. He turned his head to the door when Davey's boyfriend, Jack, walked in carrying three sodas.

"Hello, again", he says to both of them, walking over to Davey and kissing him. "SpongeBob."

"Darwin", Davey responded with a smirk. He grabbed a soda. "Thank you."

"For sure", Jack smiled, kissing Davey on the head.

"That's disgusting."

They both looked to Race and rolled their eyes. "You'll be like this as soon as you find your soulmates."

"Oh, yeah!" Race beamed at the thought. "Today is going to be the day."

"What makes you so sure?" Jack sat down next to his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around him.

"I just know it."


So far, today didn't seem like the day they would all meet. Much to Spot and Albert's advantage, and Race's disappointment, the day was boring.

However, by some coincidence that can only be made in fanfiction, all three of them were at the mall.

Albert still kept his head down as he shopped in Zumies, looking for a graphic t-shirt to add to his endless collection.

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